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Cercetările ştiinţifice în cadrul Facultăţii de Agronomie au început paralel cu activitatea didactică în anul fondării facultăţii, 1933. În primii ani la facultate sub conducerea ctitorului învăţămîntului agronomic în ...
ȚAPU, Tatiana
(Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
The experience of accounting for indirect production costs related to both the activities carried out in poultry entities and the framework of other formations in agriculture shows a series of problems related to their ...
(Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
This comprehensive analysis delves into the transformative role of accounting in Ukraine's post-war economic recovery. It explores the challenges faced by accountants in adapting to new regulatory frameworks, operational ...
MELIKHOVA, Tetiana; MELIKHOV, Yevhenii
(Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
In the work , the documentation of the audit of cash transactions has been improved. A general audit plan , audit program , auditor's working documents have been developed. This will make it possible that cover issues ...
(Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
Financial statements are a major source of relevant information for an analytical approach to detect tax avoidance strategies that affect reported earnings. Therefore, financial statements are prepared to provide a clear, ...
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