ZBANCĂ, Andrei; POPA, Sergiu; RÎBINȚEV, Ion(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
When starting a business in sea buckthorn cultivation, the entrepreneur’s essential task lies in selecting the appropriate planting technology and business model that ensures the highest competitiveness of the final product ...
MARDARI, Tatiana(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
Bee honey remains one of the most popular domestic animal products exported to the European Union. Honey producers should ensure the safety of the product by providing evidence of its safety through traceability. This ...
EREMIA, Nicolae; COȘELEVA, Olga; CATARAGA, Ivan; MACAEV, Fliur(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
For the intensive development of beekeeping, the creation of new preparations is of particular importance, as they stimulate the growth of bee colonies and contribute to increased productivity. The research aims to assess ...
PÎRLOG, Alisa(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
The study assessed the quality and safety parameters of poultry meat from two local producers. Broiler chicken carcasses, refrigerated and packed in polyethylene, were collected from the marketing network for laboratory ...
CHIȚANU, Ana(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
Change in chemical composition and properties of cow milk when mixed with milk of other domestic animals In the Republic of Moldova, cow milk serves as the main source of raw material for dairy production, resulting in a ...
VOINESCO, Cornelia(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
The research reflected in this article aimed at studying the agroecological potential of clones of Malbec wine variety in the conditions of Mereni wine-growing center, Codru Region. Based on the study, it was found that ...
PROCOPENCO, Valeria(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
Proper fertilization of vineyards represents an important component of viticultural technology that can have a significant impact on the quality and quantity of grapes harvests. Rational use of fertilizers contributes to ...
DUBCEAC, Marcela(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
This study addresses the use of hot water therapy, hot air therapy, and in vitro culture as additional techniques for eliminating viruses during the phytosanitary selection process of grapevines, aiming to produce healthy ...
MIHAILOV, Irina(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
This study provides the first-ever data on staphylinids inhabiting the wild chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) biotope. The research was conducted in April and May 2022, within a 3-are field with wild chamomile plants in ...
BURDUJA, Daniela; GROZDEVA, Svetlana; BUȘMACHIU, Galina; GALUȘCĂ, Anton(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
The study investigates insect species diversity within Phacelia tanacetifolia plants (sown in 2023 on an area of 7 hectares) and surrounding habitats (valley, meadow, and forest edge) in the Plaiul Fagului Reserve. A total ...
ЩЕРБАКОВА, Татьяна; ВОЛОЩУК, Леонид(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
Certain species of oomycetes, such as Pythium spp., exhibit high aggressiveness, posing a significant threat to young plant tissues of greenhouse crops like cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes, leading to substantial yield ...
ГУСЕЙНОВА, Лала(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
Azerbaijan places significant emphasis on the cultivation of stone fruits, particularly apricots (Armeniaca Scop.). Consequently, it is rather important to investigate the main diseases affecting this crop. This article ...
BALAN, Valerian; ȘARBAN, Vasile(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
The study investigates the effects of pruning time on sweet cherry trees (Prunus avium L.) of Stella and Skeena varieties, grafted on MaxMa 14 rootstock, planted at a spacing distance of 5 x 3 m in the central region of ...
МАЦКОВА, Светлана; ГУМАНЮК, Алексей; ПАЗЯЕВА, Татьяна(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
The Earth upward trend in average annual air temperatures has led to increased physical evaporation of water from soil and plant transpiration. This phenomenon raises questions about the adequacy of soil moisture reserves ...
STAHI, Marcela(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
Ecological farming can be successfully initiated and implemeted when there is a consistent flow of high-quality organic matter in the soil and the soil is rich in biologically available phosphorus. Pedological research in ...
RACOVIȚĂ, Gheorghe(Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
The research focused on examining the elements of agroecosystems, with a particular emphasis on the interconnections between „soil-plant”, energy flow dynamics, and human interventions aimed at achieving the primary ...
ȚAPU, Tatiana(Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2006)
This paper presents the basic axiom concerning the interaction between the obtained production quality and its consumption quality and its consumption: the higher are the requirements for the production as well as the ...
BULGARU, Veronica(Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2006)
Due to the reform of the national accountancy system a series of national accountancy standards have been put into application. Unfortunately, in the elaboration N.S.A.2 „The stocks of goods and stuff, the international ...
PRISĂCARU, Veronica(Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2006)
In this article the problem of poverty in the Republic of Moldova and its dependence on economic growth are considered. There is also analyzed the development of economic indices and the income of different workmen categories. ...
DUMITRAŞ, Grigore; ENCIU, Valeriu; CIUCLEA, Aurel(Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2006)
The chemical study of minerals has revealed a significant difference between the mineral composition of distal phalanxes and their Keratin cover obtained from healthy animals and those suffering from necrobacillary dermatitis. ...