Articole din publicaţii internaţionale: Recent submissions

  • СКРИПЧЕНКО, Анжела (Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, 2018)
    Эволюция костюма для школьников в каждой стране мира прошла свой уникальный путь. В работе был проведен анализ развития ассортимента школьной формы с момента ее зарождения в разных странах до настоящего момента. Целью ...
  • SUPRUN, N.; SCRYPCHENKO, A. (Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2018)
    Goal. To establish basic requirements and develop didactic textbooks for exercises with children with deviations in development. Methodology. The method of confectioning of materials for a product of a certain purpose and ...
  • СКРИПЧЕНКО, Анжела (Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, 2018)
    Самовыражение помогает человеку заявить о себе, выделиться из толпы, стать полноценной личностью и яркой индивидуальностью. Сложнее всего самовыражаться школьнику, так как по правилам большинства учебных заведений ученики ...
  • СТРУМІНСЬКА, Тетяна; СКРИПЧЕНКО, Анжела; ЗИМЕНКО, Ірина (Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, 2020)
    Надано результати дизайн-проектування колекції жіночих коктейльних суконь з високими естетичними характеристиками, яка відповідає сучасним тенденціям моди. Описано основні види сучасного дрес-коду в жіночому одязі, виокремлено ...
  • ПАШКЕВИЧ, Калина; КОЛОСНІЧЕНКО, Олена; СКРИПЧЕНКО, Анжела; ЛЮКЛЯН, Надія (Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, 2021)
    У роботі представлені результати аналізу останніх досягнень у розробці інноваційних конструктивних рішень адаптивного одягу для пацієнтів, що дозволяють покращити якість надання медичних послуг, психологічний комфорт і ...
  • ПАШКЕВИЧ, К. Л.; КОЛОСНІЧЕНКО, М. В.; ФРОЛОВ, І. В.; ГЕРАСИМЕНКО, О. Д.; СКРИПЧЕНКО, А. Г. (Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, 2017)
    Мета. Визначення основних ознак тектонічних форм одягу та розробка класифікації систем одягу на засадах тектонічного підходу. Методика. Застосовано порівняльний аналіз характеристик форми одягу та тектонічний підхід в ...
  • CHIRIAC, Natalia; URSU, Viorica; BOSTAN, Ina (Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2021)
    The loss of cultural property is irreparable and irreversible. Any disappearance of cultural heritage will inevitably affect all areas of the life of present and future generations will lead to spiritual impoverishment, ...
  • GRAMA, Vasile; VLASENCO, Ana; AVANZI, Agostino; DOMINATO, Tommaso (Universitatea “1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia, 2019)
    In the RM more than 6000 ponds and reservoirs have been built. The lifespan of them is usually 40-50 years. Considering that most of them were built in the years 1960-1980, many of them have an expired exploitation period ...
  • VLASENCO, Ana (Editura Aeternitas, 2017)
    Currently in the member countries or candidate of the European Union is recommended to use a single geodetic reference system and a single map projection for panEuropean applications. In perspective of the integration of ...
  • GHELBET, Angela; NICOLAESCU, Constantin; BERNAZ, Luminița; MALCOCI, Marina (University of Oradea, 2017)
    One of the main difficulties that light industry, namely clothing manufacturing sector faces today is inadequate organization of production processes. This is one of the most common and most serious obstacles in companies ...
  • MALCOCI, Marina; POPA, Parascovia (University of Oradea, 2020)
    In order to achieve quality products from a qualitative and economic point of view, it is necessary to redesign the current products, insisting on both the techniques and the performing machines, as well as on their ...
  • BULGARU, Valentina; CIOBANU, Daniela; MALCOCI, Marina (National Research & Development Institute for Textile and Leather (INCDTP), Bucharest, 2014)
    Quality is the key factor in ensuring the competitiveness of an enterprise. In the footwear industry of Moldova there are about 50 enterprises producing shoes for both internal and external market mainly in the LOHN system. ...
  • ISCHIMJI, Nicolae; MITU, Stan; BULGARU, Valentina; PETCU, Daniel (National Research & Development Institute for Textile and Leather (INCDTP), Bucharest, 2014)
    The study allowed us to establish a set of criteria for rational classification of foot typologies in patients with diabetic based on parameters obtained from the planting footprint analysis. Pathological deviations were ...
  • MALCOCI, Marina; TRUBNICOVA, Ana (Киевский национальный университет технологий и дизайна, 2018)
    In the preparation of the creative process, the idea of creative transformation of the inspirational source, the highlighting of the stages in the elaboration of the new models, even of some interesting collections, is of ...
  • CHICU, Svetlana; BERNAZ, Luminița; MALCOCI, Marina (University of Oradea, 2018)
    In the Republic of Moldova, the analyzed footwear enterprise is known as a brand that produces and sells footwear for the whole family, with an experience of more than 70 years of activity. Over the years, this has been ...
  • BULGARU, Valentina; COLIBABA, Ala; MALCOCI, Marina (University of Oradea, 2020)
    The paper presents a case study regarding the analysis of the quality of the manufacturing process of soft furniture covers within the company "Z" Ltd, which operates on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Starting ...
  • MALCOCI, Marina; GONCEAR, Tatiana (University of Oradea, 2016)
    Moldova is a small country whose territory is 350 km from north to south and 150 km from West to East. Analyzing data from the Statistical Yearbook 2012 shows that 437 enterprises were active dealing with textiles, footwear ...
  • MALCOCI, Marina; PASCARI, Ioana; GHELBET, Angela (University of Oradea, 2016)
    It is known that regulations allow the introduction in production regimes efficient operation of equipment and methods of rational organization of production. To ensure accuracy imposed regulations must meet the following ...
  • MALCOCI, Marina; PASCARI, Ioana (University of Oradea, 2016)
    Now customary accessory companies of all leather garments, zipper began to enjoy popularity only after 80 years of its invention. The first is considered the inventor of the zipper Elias Howe. Essentially involves fashion, ...
    Development of the method of analysis of MPLS (multiprotocol label switching) networks on the basis of the semi-Markov apparatus in respect to guaranteed QoS (quality of service) real time traffic servicing quality is presented.

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