Articole ştiinţifice: Recent submissions

  • GHENDOV-MOȘANU, Aliona (Universitatea. de Stat "B. P. Hasdeu" din Cahul, 2021)
    Extracția compușilor biologic activi (CBA) de origine vegetală prezintă un proces complex, fiind influențat de condițiile de extracție: hidromodulul, compoziția solventului, temperatura și durata procesului. Scopul ...
  • BOIȘTEAN, A.; CHIRSANOVA, A.; CIUMAC, J. (Galaţi University Press, 2019)
    Wine Vinegar is a vinegar obtained from wine by acetous fermentation and in which the maximum level for volatile acids in the raw materials may be exceeded. Of course well known and has occasioned the wine and vinegar trade ...
  • BOISTEAN, A.; CHIRSANOVA, A.; CIUMAC, J.; GAINA, B. (Asociația Generală a Inginerilor din România, 2019)
    Cercetarea a fost dezvoltată pentru a cuantifica în mod fiabil și precis evoluția indicilor fizico-chimici (densitate, conținut de zahăr, pH, aciditate și alcool) în timpul fermentației alcoolice a sucurilor de struguri ...
  • BOISTEAN, Alina; STURZA, Rodica; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; MITINA, Irina (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2022)
    Acetic acid bacteria (AAB) are very difficult to correctly identify at species levels based only on biochemical and physiological characteristics. For their proper identification, molecular analysis of the strains in ...
  • MARCU, Oxana (Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, 2020)
    Within this study, was analyzed the technology of obtaining wine vinegar from grape concentrate. Optimal conditions were established for the alcoholic and acetic fermentation of the grape concentrate.
  • BOIȘTEAN, Alina; POPOVICI, Violina (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos", Galaţi, 2021)
    The aim of this study is to develop a new soft drink technology based on local fruits and white wine vinegar. The process includes the use of natural ingredients in the following ratio of components.
  • БОИШТЯН, А. В.; КИРСАНОВА, А. И.; РУБЦОВ, С. Л.; КИСЕЛИЦА, Н. (ФНЦПС им. В. М. Горбатова Российской Академии Наук, 2020)
    Представлены результаты исследований по изолированию уксусно- кислых бактерий с гроздьев винограда, виноматериалов и органического уксуса и выявление максимального источника активных и жизнеспособных уксуснокислых бактерий ...
  • BOISTEAN, Alina; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; CIUMAC, Jorj; GAINA, Boris (Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020)
    In this study, the physicochemical properties of Italian and German bentonites were evaluated, including the physicochemical characteristics of white wine vinegar. Once established, the optimal clarification regime and its ...
  • STURZA, Rodica; GĂINĂ, Boris; IONETE, Roxana Elena; COSTINEL, Diana (Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, 2019)
    În monografia "Autenticitatea și inofensivitatea produselor uvologice" sunt analizate problemele legate de autenticitatea vinurilor și factorii de agresiune asupra strugurilor și produselor din struguri, care pot afecta ...
  • GHENDOV-MOȘANU, Aliona (Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, 2019)
    Monografia “Compuși biologic activi de origine horticolă pentru alimente funcționale” reprezintă o sinteză amplă privind utilizarea compușilor biologic activi de origine vegetală horticolă (aronia, cătina albă, măceș, ...
  • DRAGOMAN, Mircea; CIOBANU, Vladimir; DRAGOMAN, Daniela; DINESCU, Adrian; BRANISTE, Tudor; TIGINYANU, Ion (Institute of Nanocience and Nanotechnology, INN, 2017)
    We have recently shown that GaN ultrathin membranes suspended on GaN nanowires having a thickness of 15 nm and planar dimensions of 12×184 microns are acting as memristive devices. The physical effect which explains this ...
  • BRANISTE, Tudor; POPA, Veaceslav; VOLCIUC, Olesea; TIGINYANU, Ion (Romanian Academy, 2015)
    We present the results of a systematic study of persistent photoconductivity (PPC) generated by UV-excitation in thin membranes based on crystalline GaN. The PPC was found to be optically quenched under extrinsic excitation ...
  • ENACHI, Mihai; CIOBANU, Vladimir; SERGENTU, Vladimir; URSAKI, Veaceslav (Romanian Academy, 2015)
    We prove analytically that metallized TiO2 nanotubular structures are characterized by negative refractive index which opens the possibility for their use as cost-effective focusing elements. Flat and concave lenses assembled ...
  • POLONSKYI, Oleksandr; VAHL, A.; DREWES, J.; HINZ, A.; STRUNSKUS, T.; ABABII, N.; REIMER, T.; CHEMNITZ, S.; LUPAN, O.; ADELUNG, R.; FAUPEL, F. (Sumy State University, 2018)
    In this paper, we report on a recent progress in formation and deposition of NPs by the gas aggregation method. Examples range from noble (Au, Ag), through reactive (Al) to more advanced core-shell nanostructures [4]. The ...
  • BOSTAN, Viorel; BOSTAN, Ion; RABEI, Ivan; DULGHERU, Valeriu; CIUPERCA, Rodion (Springer International Publishing, 2019)
    The blade is the most important element of a wind turbine, as it is the component that largely governs the productivity and it is the main source of efficiency optimization. A blade is defined by the airfoil type. This ...
  • BOSTAN, Viorel; GUȚU, Marin; RABEI, Ion (Academia de Ştiinţe Tehnice din România, 2019)
    This paper describes the steps of elaboration of calculation model for dynamic simulation of a small vertical axis wind turbine rotor. The calculation model is based on the finite element analysis ANSYS CFX software. The ...
  • CRETU, Vasilii; ABABII, Nicolai; CHISTRUGA, Alexandru; MAGARIU, Nicolae; POSTICA, Vasile; LUPAN, Oleg (IEEE, 2019)
    The CuO/Cu 2 O nanostructured films were synthesized via a simple chemical solution based method (SCS). The morphological properties were investigated using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The elaborated sensors based ...
  • POSTICA, Vasile; CAVERS, Heather; ADELUNG, Rainer; PAUPORTÉ, Thierry; CHOW, Lee; LUPAN, Oleg (IEEE, 2020)
    Herein, the room temperature gas sensing properties of a device fabricatedbased on an individual gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)-functionalized zinc oxide nanowire (ZnO NW) is reported. The Au-NPs/ZnO nanowires were depositedusing ...
  • LUPAN, Oleg; SANTOS-CARBALLAL, David; ABABII, Nicolai; MAGARIU, Nicolae; HANSEN, Sandra; VAHL, Alexander; ZIMOCH, Lukas; HOPPE, Mathias; PAUPORTÉ, Thierry; GALSTYAN, Vardan; SONTEA, Victor; CHOW, Lee; FAUPEL, Franz; ADELUNG, Rainer; de LEEUW, Nora H.; COMINI, Elisabetta (American Chemical Society, 2021)
    TiO2/Cu2O/CuO multi-nanolayers highly sensitive toward volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and H2 have been grown in various thicknesses by a cost-effective and reproducible combined spray–sputtering–annealing approach. The ...
  • POPOVICI, Violina ("Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 2019)
    There is an increased interest for sources of natural antioxidants in order to enrich oils towards reducing lipid oxidation. The rosehip and rosehip berries are natural concentrate of vitamins (C, P, B1, B2, E, K), ...

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