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  • NGOSSAHA, Justin Moskolaï; NGOUNA, Raymond Houé; ARCHIMÈDE, Bernard; NEGULESCU, Mihaela-Hermina; PETRIȘOR, Alexandru-Ionut (MDPI (Basel, Switzerland), 2024)
    Urban mobility is a critical aspect of sustainable urban development, with significant environmental, social, and economic implications. Assessing the sustainability of urban mobility systems in order to create more carbon ...
  • BOINCEAN, Boris; KASSAM, Amir; BASCH, Gottlieb; REICOSKY, Don; GONZALEZ, Emilio; REYNOLDS, Tony; ILUSCA, Marina; CEBOTARI, Marin; RUSNAC, Grigore; CUZEAC, Vadim; BULAT, Lidia; PASAT, Dorian; STADNIC, Stanislav; GAVRILAS, Sergiu; BOAGHII, Ion (AIMS Press, 2016)
    As the world population and food production demands rise, keeping agricultural soils and landscapes healthy and productive are of paramount importance to sustaining local and global food security and the flow of ecosystem ...
  • MONAICO, Ed.; MOISE, C.; MIHAI, G.; URSAKI, V. V.; LEISTNER, K.; TIGINYANU, I. M.; ENACHESCU, M.; NIELSCH, K. (The Electrochemical Society, 2019)
    In this paper, we report on results of a systematic study of porous morphologies obtained using anodization of HVPE-grown crystalline GaN wafers in HNO3, HCl, and NaCl solutions. The anodization-induced nanostructuring is ...
  • SIDORENKO, A.; RASTIMESINA, I.; POSTOLACHI, O.; FEDOROV, V.; GUTUL, T.; VASEASHTA, A. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020)
    Nanoparticles Nano zero-valent iron (nZVI) Fe0/PVP were prepared by chemical reduction from a ferrous salt-solution in the presence of PVP used as a stabilizer. The resulting nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray powder ...
  • CHIRIAC, Tatiana; RUDI, Ludmila; CEPOI, Liliana; ROTARI, Ion; DJUR, Svetlana (Asociația Științifică a Geneticienilor și Producătorilor din Republica Moldova, 2021)
    As a result of the study, it was found that changes in the content of β-carotene and chlorophyll a in spirulina biomass depended on the concentrations of nanoparticles introduced into the nutrient medium. The chlorophyll ...
  • VIERU, Lucia; IROVAN, Marcela (Faculty of Technics and Technologies, Trakia University, 2018)
    The Romanian traditional harbour is one of the basic elements of the material society, which developed at the same time with the Romanian people. Knowing the traditional suit allows understanding of the characters of the ...
  • ADASCALIȚA, Lucia; CAZAC, Viorica (Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2021)
    The paper presents the result of the study with reference to the analysis of the possibilities of aesthetic diversification of products through the prism of traditional textile art in the Republic of Moldova and ensuring ...
  • CANGAS, Svetlana; TOCARCIUC, Alina; FLOREA, Elena (Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2021)
    Portul popular, produsele de cultură tradițională reflectă spiritul neamului, constituit prin milenii de istorie. Astfel, problema autenticității elementelor tradiționale, aplicate în domeniul produselor de inspirație ...
  • CANGAŞ, Svetlana; Elena FLOREA-BURDUJA (Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2022)
    Costumul popular mereu a fost un centru al discuțiilor servind în calitate de sursă de inspirație atunci când se dorește autentificarea culturală. Piesa de importanță primordială în structura costumului popular este cămașa. ...
  • BABCENCO, Coralia; CAZAC, Viorica (Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2020)
    Uscățeii reprezintă desertul pregătit pe tot teritoriul țării, apreciat cu diverși termeni și pregătit în baza unei rețete simple compusă dintr-un număr minim de ingrediente, considerând evenimentele istorice și timpurile ...
  • VERLAN, V. I.; BORDIAN, O. T.; IOVU, M. S.; CULEAC, I. P.; ZUBAREVA, V. E. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2007)
    We propose a new technology for preparation of luminescent coordination organic compounds (COC) with Eu 3+ ions with down- conversion of light and extended absorption spectral response to UV. The optimal ionic and neutral ...
  • DIACONU, Cristina Ion (Fundatia Română pentru Inteligenta Afacerii, 2019)
    Transfer pricing is a complex, current and original topic for Moldovian enterprises. In terms of decentralization of responsibilities, it is not so much a challenge as a necessity to determine a transfer price based on ...
  • PRODAN-ŞESTACOVA, Liubovi (Academia de Administrare Publică, Republica Moldova, 2015)
    Current trends of social development anticipate dominance of knowledge based society in the future. This concept is a multidimensional one, knowledge management being part of it. Knowledge management in organizations ...
  • BUGAIAN, Larisa (Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2015)
    Without claiming to cover complete all controversial moments of the higher education sector, I would try to analyse some of the main issues that are of the first importance, namely, the relationship between the university ...
  • PÉREZ-ACEBO, Heriberto; BEJAN, Sergiu; GONZALO-ORDEN, Hernán (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2018)
    Pavement performance models, a vital part of pavement management systems and life-cycle analysis, are generally divided into deterministic and probabilistic ones. Among probabilistic models, the Markov chains are attracting ...
  • SANDNER, Thilo; GAUMONT, Eric; GRASSHOFF, Thomas; AUBÖCK, Gerald; KENDA, Andreas; GISLER, Thomas; LANGA, Sergiu; HERRMANN, Andreas; GRAHMANN, Jan (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, SPIE, 2018)
    A translatory MOEMS actuator with extraordinarily large stroke - especially developed for fast optical path-length modulation in miniaturized FT-spectrometers (FTS) designed for NIR spectral region (800 nm – 2500 nm) - is ...
  • PENIN, A.; SIDORENKO, A. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2015)
    The invariant relationship between the sets of load conductivity values at the output of the two or three wire DC communication line and the corresponding conductivity values at the input of this line is shown. This ...
  • PENIN, A.; SIDORENKO, A. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2016)
    The invariant relationship between the sets of load conductivity values at the output of the balanced four wire communication line with losses and the corresponding current values at the input of this line is shown. This ...
  • PENIN, A.; SIDORENKO, A. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020)
    The invariant relationship between the sets of load conductivity values and the corresponding values of the input currents of the two or three wire communication lines is shown. This relationship does not depend on parameters ...
  • BÂRDAN, Veaceslav (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2011)
    Le transport du gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) est considéré la méthode du XXIe siècle. Dans cet article on présente les avantages de ce type de transport du gaz naturel en soulignant la différence entre celui-ci et le transport ...

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