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  • MARIAN, Octavian; LUPAŞCU, Zinaida (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2014)
    În societatea dominată de idealurile de dreptate, umanism şi democraţie, se caută o armonizare a relaţiilor dintre indivizi – ca parte, şi societate – ca întreg, această funcţie revenindu-i statului. Dreptul este văzut ca ...
  • PLEŞCA, P.; ŞARAGOV, I.; PLEŞCA, A. (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2013)
    Increase of generation hidraulic power meams optimization of hydrostation. Measurement procedure of main parametrs of hydroturbine and optimization of hydrostation of the Tohatin-Ciocana water suplz sistem. Evaluation of ...
  • RUSU, Spiridon; GRIGORIEV, Eugeniu; TRONCIU, Vasile (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2020)
    The equations of stationary states of quantum dots lasers under the influence of double external optical feedback are obtained. The external feedback comes from a distant resonator with different reflectivities. The ...
  • BOŞNEAGĂ, Valeriu; SUSLOV, Victor; STRATAN, Ion; DOBREA, Ina (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE, 2023)
    The work is devoted to the study of the steady state mode of cable line 10 kV at single-phase short circuit and resistive grounding of the neutral. A model of a cable line, implemented in the MATLAB-SIMULINK package was ...
  • STAFIE, Artur (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2024)
    Sticla devine un element decorativ de prestigiu în amenajări și decorațiuni interioare, oferind spațiilor mici o senzație de aerisire și mărire vizuală. Este apreciată pentru versatilitatea sa, fiind prezentă în numeroase ...
  • HOTINEANU, Vladimir; TIGHINEANU, Ion; CAZAC, Anatol; SCORPAN, Anatolie; POPA, Veaceslav; BRANIŞTE, Fiodor; BORTĂ, Eduard; ŢURCAN, Vadim; TALPĂ, Dumitru; BOTNARENCO, Feodor (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2016)
    Articolul se referă la nanomedicină, în special, la tractul gastrointestinal (TGI), în cazurile când motilitatea normală este perturbată din diverse motive. Metoda nouă permite stimularea la distanţă a motilităţii gastrice, ...
  • MOGOREANU, N. (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2015)
    Storage of electricity is one of the most spectacular and sensitive areas that stimulate the development of equipment and conversion technologies, storage being an exclusive condition for competitive and efficient use of ...
  • ALBU, I. D.; NEAMŢU, M.; OPRIŞ, D. (Cornell University, 2009)
    In this paper we established the condition for a curve to satisfy stochastic generalized fractional HP (Hamilton-Pontryagin) equations. These equations are described using Itˆo integral. We have also considered the case ...
  • OBERŞT, Ala (Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2016)
    At the moment the branch of production, processing and preserving of meat and meatproducts in the Republic of Moldova is coming across some developmental difficulties. Lack of strategic directions of development has ...
  • BIVOL, Cezara; CILOCI (DESEATNIC), Alexandra; TIURINA, Janeta; LABLIUC, Svetlana; DVORNINA, Elena; CLAPCO, Steliana; GUŢUL, Tatiana; RUSU, Emil (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2019)
    Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele studiului de evidenţiere a condițiilor optime de izolare a enzimelor lipolitice din lichidul cultural (LC) al micromicetei Aspergillus niger CNMN FD 01, cultivate în prezenţa a 10 mg/l nano-oxid ...
  • SCUTARU, A.; BÂRDAN, V.; BRUC, I.; SCUTARU, N. (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2017)
    Analyze concomitently the opportunity and the specificity of adopting strategic decisions in the enterprise management from the Republic of Moldova. At the same time they propose also other alternative doctrines and analyze ...
  • SAVA, Lilia; GUJUMAN, Lucia; SOROCHIN, Serafima; VINOKUROVA, Marina (Institutul de Cercetari Economice şi Sociale “Gheorghe Zane”, Iaşi, 2021)
    Information and communication technology, abbreviated IT/TI and TIC, is the technology needed for information processing. The information and communication technology (TIC) sector is a growing sector that contributes ...
  • STRATULAT, Iurie; BULGAC, Olesea (Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, 2018)
    Prin strategii de promovare a produselor se subințelege ansamblul de acțiuni demarate cu scopul de informare și atragere a unui număr cât mai mare de clienţi potenţiali care ar fi satisfăcuți de produsele promovate ...
  • CAZACU, Vitalie; CAZACU, Aurelia (Institutul de Relaţii Internaţionale din Moldova, 2008)
    Competitive strategy represents option for a certain chain of activities, which is different of that of competitors, or a different method of execution of the same chain of activities, which is similar with that of ...
  • PERCIUN, Andrei (Institutul de Cercetări Juridice şi Politice al AŞM, 2020)
    Instaurarea unei noi ordini sociale vine ca o reacție firească la răspândirea vertiginoasă a noului tip de Coronavirus. Această nouă ordine socială pornește de la operarea unor restricții ce țin de modul în care membrii ...
  • SOROCHIN, Serafima; SAVA, Lilia; GUJUMAN, Lucia; VINOCUROVA, Marina (Institutul de Cercetari Economice şi Sociale “Gheorghe Zane”, Iaşi, 2021)
    This paper analyzes the notion of stress, types of stress, stress manifestation phases; differentiates positive and negative forms of stress, professional overload which is also a stress factor; lists commonly occurring ...
  • MOSKALENKO, V. A.; DOHOTARU, L. A.; DIGOR, D. F.; CEBOTARI, I. D. (The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 2014)
    We develop a strong-coupling approach to investigate the Anderson-Holstein model with strong repulsion on impurity centers. We derive the relation between electron propagators and correlation functions and prove that for ...
  • TIGINYANU, Ion; GHIMPU, Lidia; GRÖTTRUP, Jorit; POSTOLACHE, Vitalie; MECKLENBURG, Matthias; STEVENS-KALCEFF, Marion A.; URSAKI, Veaceslav; PAYAMI, Nader; FEIDENHANSL, Robert; SCHULTE, Karl; ADELUNG, Rainer; MISHRA, Yogendra Kumar (Springer Nature, 2016)
    In present work, the nano- and microscale tetrapods from zinc oxide were integrated on the surface of Aerographite material (as backbone) in carbon-metal oxide hybrid hierarchical network via a simple and single step ...
    We demonstrate strong room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) in the visible region of the spectrum from europium (Eu3+)-doped porous GaP (por-GaP) layers. Eu3+ ions were infiltrated into the host matrix by simple impregnation ...
  • FOCA, E.; FÖLL, H.; CARSTENSEN, J.; SERGENTU, V. V.; TIGINYANU, I. M.; DASCHNER, F.; KNÖCHEL, R. (American Institute of Physics, 2006)
    Results of an experimental study of a concave lens based on a two-dimensional microwave photonic crystal with neff<1 are shown. We demonstrate that the lens focuses electromagnetic radiation for transverse electric (TE) ...

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