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  • ANDRIESH, A. M.; CULEAC, I. P.; BINCHEVICI, V. A.; ABASHKIN, V. G.; SCHITSCO, V. N. (SPIE, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1993)
    This paper describes a microbend displacement sensor with high sensitivity and wide dynamic range designed on the bases of multimode sensor—oriented fiber. A number of high sensitive sensors has been design on the basis ...
  • CHIRIAC, Lilia (Universitatea de Studii Politice şi Economice Europene „Constantin Stere”, 2018)
    Customer fidelity and loyalty exerts a strong influence on the success of the economic entity, its revenue, image, and last but not least, customer retention and loyalty depend on its existence in the future. The implementation ...
  • RETTICH, F.; VIEWEG, N.; COJOCARI, O.; DENINGER, A. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2015)
    We present a new approach to detect the intensity of individual terahertz pulses at repetition rates as high as 80 MHz. Our setup comprises a femtosecond fiber laser, an InGaAs-based terahertz emitter, a zero-bias Schottky ...
  • IOISHER, A. M.; BADINTER, E. Ya.; POSTOLACHE, V.; MONAICO, E. V.; URSAKI, V. V.; SERGENTU, V. V.; TIGINYANU, I. M. (American Scientific Publishers, 2012)
    A technological route allowing one to integrate huge amounts of electrically isolated metal, semiconductor, or semimetal nanowires in glass fibers with the diameter of up to a few hundreds of micrometers is presented, and ...
  • KAWAMURA, Yukihiro; DEMINAMI, Shingo; SALAMAKHA, Leonid; SIDORENKO, Andrey; HEINRICH, Patrick; MICHOR, Herwig; BAUER, Ernst; SEKINE, Chihiro (American Physical Society, 2018)
    In this paper, we report the transport, thermodynamic, and superconducting properties of a new filled skutterudite CaOs4P12 synthesized under high pressure and high temperature. The electrical resistivity of 3.4–4.8mΩcm, ...
  • LOZOVANU, Constantin; LOZOVANU, Ecaterina (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2010)
    The article presents an analysis of the philosophy of Nikolai Berdeaev and notably the influence of technology on the general problem of human life. After the Russian philosopher, the era of civilization began with the ...
  • MANOLE, Tatiana; STRATAN, Alexandru (Institutul Naţional de Cercetări Economice al AŞM, 2017)
    This article presents the results of study regarding the decentralization process, which is currently underway in the Republic of Moldova. The purpose of the study is to highlight the fundamental concept of decentralization, ...
  • MUNTEAN, Neli; MUNTEAN, Iulian; SEVOV, Atanas; TURCAN, Rina (Agricultural University, Plovdiv. Bulgaria, 2021)
    The financial stability is one of the most important aspect faced by the entity during the pandemic situation created by COVID 19. The purpose of this report is to introduce and expand the fundamental problems concerning ...
  • MANOLE, Tatiana (Editura Independenţa Economică, 2020)
    In this article we wanted to inform the reader about the process of financing education in the Republic of Moldova. Although the number of educational institutions and the number of pupils / students is decreasing, the ...
  • ROTARU, Anatol; CUJBA, Rodica; ALEXEEVA, Svetlana (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2012)
    The progress of developed countries gave rise to the knowledge-based economy. The core of this kind of economy is human potential, its cost being 10-11 times bigger than GDP. Thus, the human potential is the strategic ...
  • MANOLE, Tatiana (Academia de Administrare Publică, 2008)
    In this article the author makes a detalied analysis of the estimate calcules of the expences for the public education; the activity indexes for the public education are being calculated using several formulas. The author ...
  • MANOLE, Tatiana (Academia de Administatre Publică, 2019)
    In this article, the author investigates the financing mechanism of pre-university public education in the Republic of Moldova based on standard cost coefficients. since 2019, the Government of the Republic of Moldova since ...
  • MANOLE, Tatiana (Academia de Administrare Publică, 2009)
    This article is related to the problem of financing of high education in the RM. During the last years there is a tendency to decrease the number of students financed from the state budget, and increase slowly the number ...
  • MANOLE, Tatiana (Academia de Administrare Publică, Republica Moldova, 2021)
    Autorul tratează în acest articol procesul îndelungat de căutări reformatoare pentru finanțarea învățământului superior în Republica Moldova. Din anii 90 ai sec. al XX-lea, de când Republica Moldova a devenit independentă, ...
  • MANOLE, Tatiana (Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, 2008)
    In this article the author examines the problem of financing of public education. Several factors are indicated here, such as the demographic, economic, political and social factors, which lead to the drawth of the public ...
  • DODU, Aliona; OLEINIUC, Maria (Universitatea Cooperatist-Comercială din Moldova, 2023)
    The circular economy aims to eliminate waste through the superior design of materials, products and systems (including business models). It is a change in the way resources are extracted, transformed into products and then ...
  • MANOLE, Tatiana (Institutul de Economie, Finanţe şi Statistică al AŞM, 2013)
    The public system of social insurance is part of the social protection system, having as the main objective the granting of cash benefits to insured persons who are unable to obtain wages due to certain risk situation ...
  • MANOLE, Tatiana (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2011)
    In present article the author makes an analysis of the law project „Law of Public Finance and budget and fiscal responsibility. “It is noted that this law project is intended to improve public finance management through a ...
  • BINDEMANN, R.; FISCHER, H.; KREHER, K.; SYRBU, N. N. (WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 1975)
    In this note we report photoluminescence spectra of tetragonal CdP2 single crystals at 4.2 K whichi show much more structure than the spectral published so far (3, 4).
  • BOTEZ, Ilie; BOTEZ, Alexei (Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo“ din Bălţi, 2009)
    Forma şi dimensiunea microreliefului suprafeţei piesei influenţează mult durabilitatea acesteia. Microrelieful piesei poate fi format prin vibrorulare, in acest scop fiind elaborată şi o maşină specială.

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