The measurement of optical reflection and transmittance spectra had been carried out using MДР-2, JASCO-670 and СДЛ-1 spectrometers at 10K and 300K for S- and P-polarizations and different light angles incident on the In0,3Ga0,7As/GaAs heterostructure’s surface with quantum wells (QW). The samples’ cooling had been made in a optical cryogenic system of a locked cycle LTS-22-S-330 Workhorse. Lines conditioned by the hh,lh1-e1(1s,2s,3s), hh2,lh2 -e2(1s,2s,3s), hh1,lh1-e2(1s), and hh3,lh3,-e3(1s) transitions and particularities, conditioned by the quantum dots (QD) formed at the boundary of nanolayers and buffer layer, had been revealed in reflection, transmittance and luminescence spectra.
Sursa: Conferința –"Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics", Chișinău, Moldova, 11-14 septembrie 2012.→ https://ibn.idsi.md/collection_view/483