Recently, nanotechnologies are beginning to be widely used in construction, which are aimed primarily at improving the quality of mineral binders and, above all, Portland cement. Two directions are observed: the first involves grinding the cement particles before using it, and the second consists in adding nanodispersed materials to the cement as modifiers.
The magneto fluidized layer is a suspension of needle-shaped ferromagnetic elements in a rotating electromagnetic field. Ferromagnetic elements in the magneto fluidized layer perform intensive rotational and translational movements, colliding with each other and with the walls of the apparatus. As a result of intensive movement and impact between ferromagnetic elements Portland cement particles are crushed, and nanomaterial particles are evenly distributed in the volume of the entire concrete mixture.
Sursa: Conferința – "International Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics", 9-th Edition, Chişinău, Moldova, 25-28 septembrie 2018.→ https://ibn.idsi.md/collection_view/135