We have shown that the emission wavelength could be tuned and shift toward the violet-blue region by up to 40 nm by doping with Cu or Cd . Our results clearly state the remarkable quality of the pure and doped-ZnO electrochemical materials and high quality of the ZnO-NWs/p-GaN interface. Near-UV and violet-blue sources can be combined with efficient phosphors for solid-state lighting in order to replace fluorescent light sources with long lifetimes and high energy saving.
Sursa: Conferința – "PHOTONICA 2011", 29 August – 02 September 2011, Belgrade, Serbia.→ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jelena_Radovanovic/publication/254501116_Modeling_of_electron_relaxation_processes_and_the_optical_gain_in_a_magnetic-field_assisted_THz_quantum_cascade_laser/links/543bb1bc0cf204cab1db1487.pdf#page=62