Nanowires (NWs)-based light emitting diodes (LEDs) have drawn large interest due to many advantages compared to thin film based devices. We have successfully prepared epitaxial n-ZnO(NW)/p-GaN heterojunctions using low temperature soft electrochemical techniques. The structures have been used in LED devices and exhibited highly interesting performances. Moreover, the bandgap of ZnO has been tuned by Cu or Cd doping at controlled atomic concentration. A result was the controlled shift of the LED emission in the visible spectral wavelength region. Using DFT computing calculations, we have also shown that the bandgap narrowing has two different origins for Zn1-xCdxO (ZnO:Cd) and ZnO:Cu. In the first case, it is due to the crystal lattice expansion, whereas in the second case Cu-3d donor and Cu-3d combined to O-2p acceptor bands appear in the bandgap which broadnesses increase with the dopant concentration. This leads to the bandgap reduction.