Articole ştiinţifice: Recent submissions

  • PERCIUN, Andrei (Institutul de Cercetări Juridice şi Politice al AŞM, 2007)
    The noema of the photo is found in “Ça-a-été” by Barthes, which explains itself as an referent inducible and inflexible in the past. What we see now, was there. The structural similarities of the Photo and of the symbol ...
  • PERCIUN, Andrei (Institutul de Cercetări Juridice şi Politice al AŞM, 2017)
    Institutul de Istorie al AŞM a organizat conferinţa ştiinţifică “Mihail Kogălniceanu – gânditor și om politic” desfăşurată cu prilejul a 200 ani de la naştere.
  • PERCIUN, Andrei (Institutul de Cercetări Juridice şi Politice al AŞM, 2018)
    Miza acestui articol constă în clarificarea modului în care se produce vederea unui lucru în corp din perspectiva fenomenologiei. Astfel, este pus în discuție domeniul sensibilului, care se caracterizează prin disponibilitatea ...
  • PERCIUN, Andrei (Institutul de Cercetări Juridice şi Politice al AŞM, 2015)
    In this article, we intend to apply the phenomenological concept of Lester Embree, a professor at Florida Atlantic University (USA) for analysis of the photographic image. Besides this fact, the interpretations of Roland ...
    The paper describes the architecture of a wide area telecommunications management network (TMN) and system (TMS) RomTMN HD that are developed by specialists from the Technical University of Moldova and Systemcomputer Ltd. ...
  • БАСАЛАЙ, И. А.; ГОЯН, В. В. (Belarusian National Technical University, 2004)
    Увеличение коррозионных потерь и изменение характера коррозионных разрушений повышает требования к надежности оборудования и деталей машин, которая в значительной мере определяет их коррозионной стойкостью.
  • ГОЯН, В. В.; БАСАЛАЙ, И. А. (Belarusian National Technical University, 2011)
    Наименьшей стойкостью в атмосферных условиях обладают углеродистые стали и чугуны, для защиты- которых широко применяют цинкование. Известно, что коррозионную стойкость цинковых диффузионных покрытий в атмосферных условиях ...
  • БАСАЛАЙ, И. А.; ГОЯН, В. В. (Belarusian National Technical University, 2013)
    В работе исследуется коррозионная стойкость чугуна СЧ 20 с легированными диффузными покрытиями на основе хрома.
  • CEPRAGA, Lucia; GOGOI, Elena (Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi, 2020)
    In the 21st century, education systems face ineffable challenges which are dictated by social, economic and technological changes. Issues faced by academic staff are becoming highly 11 demanding when it comes to teaching ...
  • ŢISLINSCAIA, Natalia; PODOGOVA, Marina; ROTARENCO, Zinaida (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2008)
    One of the directions of mixed products production is the search of the new sources vegetal proteins. A promising source of proteins is the chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The obtained mix from chickpea and cor permits to ...
  • ŢURCANU, Tatiana (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă” din Chişinău, 2020)
    This article aims to establish and summarize the scientific approaches related to the concept of stress. Beyond this popular conception, however, there is wide disagreement over a more exact definition and over how stress ...
  • CHIRIAC, Lilia (Universitatea de Studii Politice şi Economice Europene „Constantin Stere”, 2016)
    Inovational marketing it's a new approach of classic marketing and involves implementing of inovational tehnology in enterprise activity. The basic principes of inovational marketing are: complet research of market, demand, ...
  • CHIRIAC, Lilia (Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2008)
    Rolul principal în desfășurarea procesului investițional îi revinde administrației locale. În lupta pentru investiții vor câștiga acele comunități care vor crea condiții favorabile pentru activitatea investitorilor prin ...
  • CHIRIAC, Lilia (Universitatea de Studii Politice şi Economice Europene „Constantin Stere”, 2018)
    Customer fidelity and loyalty exerts a strong influence on the success of the economic entity, its revenue, image, and last but not least, customer retention and loyalty depend on its existence in the future. The implementation ...
  • CHIRIAC, Lilia (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2010)
    Pour l’élaboration d’une stratégie d’attraction des investissements dans les localités rurales, on recommande d’appliquer les méthodes et les instruments de marketing qui ont les avantages suivants dans la gestion de ...
  • ROTARU, Olesea; CHIRIAC, Lilia (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2013)
    Mediul de marketing se referă la factorii şi forţele care afectează abilitatea unei firme de a stabili şi menţine relaţii de succes cu clienţii. Există trei elemente-cheie pentru mediul de marketing, şi anume: mediul intern, ...
  • CHIRIAC, Lilia (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2010)
    Le développement équilibré de l’économie territoriale est directement lié aux investissements alloués dans ce domaine. Pour les autorités locales ceux-ci constituent l’instrument principal d’influence sur le développement ...
  • ABABII, V.; SUDACEVSCHI, V.; BRANISTE, R.; TURCAN, A.; MUNTEANU, S.; LEASCENCO, V. (Громадська Організація "Фундація Економічних Ініціатив", 2020)
    This paper addresses to specific issues of Multi-Agent systems for decision-making in complex processes. At the base of the Multi-Agent system is the notion of behavior that integrates the knowledge, strategies and target ...
  • CHIRIAC, Lilia (Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Centre for Studies in European Integration, 2017)
    Using modern methods in the process of teaching - learning contribute to increased efficiency of education and training of specialists with skills and competencies necessary to develop and promote innovations. Modern methods ...
  • CIOBANU, Natalia (Web of Conferences, 2020)
    This paper uses data from the Chisinau Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) (2018 year) to analyze the potential for energy recovery from wastewater treatment plant via anaerobic digestion with biogas utilization with electricity ...

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