Articole ştiinţifice: Recent submissions

  • FLOREA-BURDUJA, Elena; RARU, Aliona; IROVAN, Marcela; FARIMĂ, Daniela (Asociatia Generala a Inginerilor din Romania (AGIR), 2023)
    Proiectarea îmbrăcămintei adaptiv-funcționale pentru persoanele cu amputații este o problemă actuală complexă cu implicații sociale, ce impune o abordare specială, iar fiecare etapă a acestui proces necesită cercetări ...
  • BALACCI, Sergiu; BALAN, Ion; BUZAN, Vladimir; ROȘCA, Nicolae (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, 2023)
    This paper reflects the research carried out regarding the status in copper, zinc and iron depending to the intake of the mineral supplement "PMVAS" and establishing the correlation between the action of the food factor ...
  • DANILĂ, Victoria; CURTEZA, Antonela; BĂLAN, Stela (Asociatia Generala a Inginerilor din Romania (AGIR), 2023)
    Procesul de proiectare și confecționare a produselor vestimentare pentru copii prematuri presupune respectarea unor cerințe specifice îmbrăcămintei pentru grupul-țintă de purtători nominalizat care reflectă tipul sortimentului, ...
  • RUSU, Ștefan; ERHAN, Dumitru; ZAMORNEA, Maria; TODERAȘ, Ion; CHIHAI, Oleg; GOLOGAN, Ion; RUSU, Viorelia; BOTNARU, Nicolai; CHIHAI, Nina; RUSU, Maria (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, 2023)
    The scientific paper elucidates the importance of using remedies of natural origin, compared to those of chemical origin, in combating ectoparasites in gallinaceous birds. For the first time, the antiectoparasitic efficacy ...
  • RUSU, Ștefan; ERHAN, Dumitru; ZAMORNEA, Maria; CHIHAI, Oleg; RUSU, Viorelia; GLIGA, Olesea; GOLOGAN, Ion; BOTNARU, Nicolai; CHIHAI, Nina; RUSU, Maria (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, 2023)
    The study of the composition and process for additional feeding and deworming of hares is an important, fundamental and, especially, applicative issue, because some species serve as definitive hosts in the development cycle ...
  • van LOON, Marloes P.; ALIMAGHAM, Seyyedmajid; PRONK, Annette; FODOR, Nándor; ION, Viorel; KRYVOSHEIN, Oleksandr; KRYVOBOK, Oleksii; MARROU, Hélène; MIHAIL, Rurac; MÍNGUEZ, M. Inés; PULINA, Antonio; RECKLING, Moritz; RITTLER, Leopold; ROGGERO, Pier Paolo; STODDARD, Frederick L.; TOPP, Cairistiona F. E.; van der WEL, Jop; WATSON, Christine; van ITTERSUM, Martin K. (Elsevier, 2023)
    Partial shifts from animal-based to plant-based proteins in human diets could reduce environmental pressure from food systems and serve human health. Grain legumes can play an important role here. They are one of the few ...
  • BĂJENESCU, Titu-Marius I. (INCDIE ICPE-CA Romania, 2023)
    Low-frequency electrical noise is a sensitive measure of defects in semiconductor devices because the noise has an impact, directly or indirectly, on the performance and reliability of the device. Its measurement is ...
  • BALAN, Ion; BUZAN, Vladimir; ROȘCA, Nicolae; BALACCI, Sergiu; CREȚU, Roman; OSIPCIUC, Galina; BACU, Gheorghe; HANȚAȚUC, Alexei; FILIPPOV, Artiom; DUBALARI, Alexandru (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, 2023)
    This paper includes the study of specialized scientific bibliographic sources and the research of the influence of polyphenols on the improvement of the state of oxidative stress on the organism of breeding rooster. It is ...
  • ROȘCA, Nicolae; BALAN, Ion; BUZAN, Vladimir; BALACCI, Sergiu; MEREUȚA, Ion; CAZACOV, Iulia; HAREA, Vasile; BUCARCIUC, Melania; TEMCIUC, Vlad (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, 2023)
    In this paper were analyzed the scientific bibliographic sources regarding the physiological and biochemical role of zinc on the tissues and organs of the organism of breeding roosters. In addition, in laboratory conditions, ...
  • CHIRIAC, Ioana (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2023)
    This article provides a summary of the National Curriculum in Geography and its objectives regarding the content of the first Digital School Atlas of the Republic of Moldova for secondary education currently under development. ...
  • YAO, Meiling; WANG, Fei; ARPENTIN, Gheorghe (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2023)
    The objective of this study was to investigate the microbial diversity on the grape berries under different climate conditions. Sixteen samples from ten vineyards were taken from three PGI regions in Republic of Moldova ...
  • MAȚCAN-LÎSENCO, Inga (Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, 2023)
    Piatra poate fi considerată drept piesă de rezistență a podoabelor nu doar un accesoriu fixat pe un metal nobil. Studiul de față reflectă biografia și activitatea lui Harry Winson – unul dintre cei mai importanți colicționari ...
  • BUZAN, Vladimir; BALACCI, Sergiu; BALAN, Ion; ROȘCA, Nicolae (Museum of Oltenia Craiova, Romania, 2023)
    The paper presents the results of the separate testing of the mineral premix “PMVAS”, as well as in conjunction with the thermal factor of a moderate stress intensity on saline metabolism in calves in order to determine ...
  • GURDIȘ, Viorica (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2023)
    Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a evalua efectele Coriocenului asupra scroafelor hipogalactice. În urma analizei rezultatelor obținute s-a constatat că la scroafele tratate cu acest produs s-a ameliorat starea generală, a ...
  • STRATILA, Alina (Universitatea "Constantin Brâncoveanu", Pitești, 2023)
    The article provides an assessment of higher education in the Republic of Moldova for the period 2017-2023 based on data from the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. It examines the dynamics of higher ...
  • GANGAN, Svetlana; BURBULEA, Rodica (Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, 2023)
    Agriculture is currently receiving special attention în all countries of the world, regardless of the level of economic development. în the contemporary world, the most economically developed countries are also the largest ...
  • GRIGORAȘ, Maria (Academia de Studii Economice, 2023)
    Migrația este un vector esențial al dezvoltării, în condițiile în care este bine gestionat, în caz contrar – poate genera dezechilibre macroeconomice, sociale și culturale ireversibile. Dacă până la începerea conflictului ...
  • VOINESCO, Cornelia (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2023)
    The research presented in this article consists in studying the agroecological potential of the clones of Merlot wine variety (cl. 181, cl. 343, cl. 347, cl. 348, cl. 349) under the conditions of the Mereni wine-growing ...
  • ŞUBĂ, Alexandru; VACARAŞ, Olga (Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol, 2023)
    The quartic differential systems with a non-degenerate monodromic critical point and non-degenerate infinity are considered. We showthat in this family the maximal multiplicity of the line at infinity is seven. Modulo the ...
  • RUSU, Andrei; RUSU, Elena (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică "Vladimir Andrunachievici", 2023)
    Existential expressibility for all k-valued functions was proposed by A. V. Kuznetsov and later was investigated in more details by S. S. Marchenkov. In the present paper, we consider existential expressibility in the case ...

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