IRTUM – Institutional Repository of the Technical University of Moldova

Browsing Articole ştiinţifice by Subject "educaţie prospectivă"

Browsing Articole ştiinţifice by Subject "educaţie prospectivă"

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  • LUNGU, Viorelia (Centrul Educaţional Pro Didactica, 2009)
    Caracterul inovativ al educaţiei prospective este legat de introducerea schimbărilor. Raportate la noua dinamică a fenomenului social, acestea solicită o abordare din perspectivă viitorologică, dar şi globală. Ca element ...
  • LUNGU, Viorelia (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2010)
    It is undisputed that the educational system through its aspects preparing the personality and guiding her to the future. Focusing on the character education has been shown prospectively since antiquity, although it was ...
  • LUNGU, Viorelia (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2008)
    The conceptual delimitation of the progressive education is the basis of the synthesis of ideas formulated by the specialists in various domains: pedagogues, sociologists, philosophers, from the perspective of presenting ...
  • LUNGU, Viorelia (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2008)
    Generally in the circumstances of a fast development of knowledge and of society, a lot of practices and knowledge which are available nowadays, in the future it will be exceeded, obsolete. The future creates requirements ...
  • LUNGU, Viorelia (Centrul Educaţional Pro Didactica, 2008)
    Contemporary issues as identiÞ ed both nationally and globally levels, requires a holistic approach in order to resolve and determine adverse consequences both in the near future and how far. Problems facing the world ...
  • LUNGU, Viorelia; REPIDA, Tatiana (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2010)
    Achievements of the past provide the only means available to understand the present, and if the past has been considered until now a purpose in itself, then today's familiarity with the past becomes a means to understand ...
  • LUNGU, Viorelia (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2015)
    Necesitatea pregătirii personalităţii prospective în sec.XXI, un secol al schimbării, este de necontestat. Demersul ştiinţific pentru o posibilă fundamentare teoretică şi metodologică a Pedagogiei prospective a devenit una ...
  • REPIDA, Tatiana; LUNGU, Viorelia (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2013)
    Tendinţele recente de dezvoltare socioumană şi tehnico-ştiinţifică determină nevoia de perfecţionare a sistemelor educaţionale. Interesul şi implicarea angajatorului în procesul educaţional universitar, prin expectanţele ...

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