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  • POSTICA, V.; HOPPE, M.; ABABII, N.; TROFIM, V.; RAILEAN, S.; ADELUNG, R.; LUPAN, O. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineerings, IEEE, 2016)
    Rapid progress of nanotechnology in recent years and continuous minimization of portable devices created the necessity of multifunctional devices elaboration. In this work, the morphological, structural and sensing properties ...
  • COJUHARI, Elena P. (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2006)
    We define on an arbitrary ring A a family of mappings (σx,y) subscripted with elements of a multiplicative monoid G. The assigned properties allow to call these mappings derivations of the ring A. A monoid algebra of G ...
  • NESTEROVA, Tamara (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2010)
    In architecture, the proportions achieved metaphysic properties under the influence of the antique philosophy, and during the history till the modern period, they were used according to it. The analysis through mathematic ...
  • SUMAN, Victor; RUSU, Emil; ZALAMAI, Victor; URSACHI, Veceslav; GHIMPU, Lidia (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2021)
    Prin pulverizare magnetron (RF) pe substraturi de sticlă și safir au fost depuse filme ITO:Ga2O3. Ca sursă de evaporare au servit țintele confecționate din amestecul de pulbere ITO și Ga2O3 cu concentrația oxidului de galiu ...
  • SUMAN, Victor; RUSU, Emil; ZALAMAI, Victor; URSACHI, Veceslav; GHIMPU, Lidia (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2021)
    A fost studiat efectul majorării cantității de Ga2O3 din sursa supusă evaporării asupra transmitanței optice (T), reflectanței (R) și absorbanței (𝛼) a filmelor de ITO:Ga2O3.
  • GUREV, Angela; DRAGANCEA, Veronica; NETREBA, Natalia; BOEȘTEAN, Olga (Universitatea de Stat "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu", Cahul, 2022)
    Scopul cercetărilor a fost de a evalua prin metoda spectrofotometrică UV-Vis (spectrofotometru DR5000) conținutul total de polifenoli (CTP) și conținutul total de flavonoide (CTF) în trei tipuri de extracte hidrofile din ...
  • RAEVSCHI, Simion; GORCEAC, Leonid; BOTNARIUC, Vasile; BRANIŞTE, Tudor; VATAVU, Sergiu (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2020)
    Straturi subțiri, de nucleație și proprii, de ZnO au fost sintetizate pe Si prin metoda hidrotermală din soluțiile compușilor zincului folosindu-se solvenții: apă, apă + etanol, apă + metanol, apă + propanol, apă + acetonă, ...
  • MACARI, Artur; NETREBA, Natalia; BOEŞTEAN, Olga; SANDU, Iuliana; DIANU, Irina (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2021)
    Eight new varieties of white sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) – R1, R2, R4, R5, L1, C6, AGG, AGA have been studied for their physical and organoleptic properties. The dimensions of fruits (diameter and length), the ...
  • PASCARU, Sergiu (Complexul Editorial INCE, 2017)
    Promovarea unui model de management anticriză eficient în întreprinderile de transport auto din Republica Moldova va permite gestionarea corespunzătoare a crizelor apărute şi depăşirea, cu eforturi minime, a consecinţelor ...
  • CAPCANARI, Tatiana; ISTRATI, Daniela; DIMA, Felicia; VIZIREANU, Camelia (Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Timisoara, România, 2015)
    The solution regarding the problem of improving the structure of food ration is related to creation of functional food-stuff with a balanced content of the major nutrient materials enriched in missing micronutrients. ...
  • BATIRU, Grigorii; COJOCARI, Dumitru; COMAROVA, Galina (Moldova State University, 2023)
    The basis of these researches were the successes recorded at the worldwide and national levels regarding the increase of the protein content in the seeds through pedigree selection, as well as the discoveries in the ̕60s ...
  • BOISTEAN, Alina; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; STURZA, Rodica (Galati University Press, 2021)
    In this work, we investigated the possibility of using agro waste, such as grape pomace, walnut and hazelnut shells, apple woods chips, as a substrate for plantations and the development of acetic acid bacteria.
  • MARIAN, Grigore; BANARI, Alexandru; NAZAR, Boris; GUDIMA, Andrei; DARADUDA, Nicolai; PAVLENCO, Andrei (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 2021)
    The paper presents research results of the prospects of using residues from the cultivation of sea buckthorn in the production of densified solid biofuels. The paper aims to evaluate energy and physical-mechanical ...
  • DOROFTEI, Veaceslav; ABABII, Alexei; ŢÎŢEI, Victor; GADIBADI, Mihai; SÎRBU, Tatiana; CEREMPEI, Valerian; GUDIMA, Andrei; NAZAR, Boris; DARADUDA, Nicolae; LUPAN, Aurelia (Consiliul Județean Bacău, 2022)
    This research was aimed at evaluating the biomass energy indices of the Spartina pectinata, grown in monoculture in collections of the National Botanical Garden (Institute) Chişinău. The physical and mechanical properties ...
  • DOROFTEI, Veaceslav; ŢÎŢEI, Victor; ABABII, Alexei; ANDREOIU, Andreea Cristina; COZARI, Serghei; GADIBADI, Mihai; CEREMPEI, Valerian; GUDIMA, Andrei; NAZAR, Boris; DARADUDA, Nicolae (Consiliul Județean Bacău, 2023)
    This research was aimed at evaluating the biomass energy indices of green harvested mass as feedstock for biogas production and stem dry mass as feedstock for cellulosic ethanol. The biochemical composition of green mass ...
  • SANDU, Iuliana; MACARI, Artur; NETREBA, Natalia; BOESTEAN, Olga; SANDULACHI, Elisaveta; DIANU, Irina (Galati University Press, 2021)
    The article presents the results of analyses of several new varieties of sea- buckthorn growing in the Republic of Moldova - Hergo, Mr. Sandu, Pomorancevaia, Roori, Seirola and their qualitative indicators are defined: a ...
  • CASIAN, A. I.; PFLAUM, J.; SANDULEAC, I. I. (Journal of Thermoelectricity, 2015)
    The aim of the paper is to present briefly the state-of-art and to analyze the prospects of thermoelectricity based on organic materials. It is shown that low dimensional nanostructured organic crystals have the highest ...
  • NIKOLAEVA, Albina A.; KONOPKO, Leonid A.; HUBER, Tito E.; BODIUL, Pavel P.; POPOV, Ivan A. (Elsevier, 2012)
    It has been predicted that surface states of topological insulators have large a thermopower and also ultrahigh mobilities. The authors report results of a magneto-thermoelectric investigation of single crystal Bi1−xSbx ...
  • DEVATINE, Audrey; CHICIUC, Igor; MIETTON-PEUCHOT, Martine (International Viticulture and Enology Society, IVES, 2011)
    It is shown that complete protection is only obtained when carbon dioxide is generated by the fermentation in the liquid. An interesting parallel conclusion is that micro-oxygenation is totally inefficient in such periods. ...
  • CROITORU, Gheorghe (Institutul de Cercetări Ştiinţifice în Construcţii „INCERCOM” Î.S., 2015)
    În articol se prezintă o metodă de protecție a armăturilor metalice cu acoperire din silicagel, tratat cu lumină incoerentă care constă în saturația difuzională a suprafeței metalului cu siliciu. Se studiază structura ...

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