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  • MANOLE, Tatiana; MAGLA, Angela (Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2011)
    În acest articol, autorii cercetează piaţa de asigurări din Republica Moldova. Acest fenomen trece printr-o perioadă de aprigă concurenţă, ceea ce duce la întărirea poziţiei unor companii şi slăbirea altora. Acest proces ...
  • ALBU, Svetlana; ALBU, Ion (Institutul de Cercetări Ştiinţifice în Construcţii "INCERCOM" Î.S., 2015)
    Dezvoltarea pieţei imobiliare în Republica Moldova începe cu procesul de privatizare de la sfârșitul secolului 20. Chişinăul ocupă o poziţie specială în ierarhia localităţilor din R.Moldova. Aspectele politico-economice, ...
  • PODLESNAIA, Natalia (Institutul de Istorie, Stat şi Drept al AŞM, 2015)
    Circul de Stat din Chișinău (arhitecţi S. Şoihet și A. Kirilenko, 1981) a fost unul din cele mai frumoase edificii de acest gen din URSS, unul din cele mai mari din lume (locul al patrulea) și până în prezent este un ...
  • BARANOV, Simion; COJUHARI, Irina; FIODOROV, Ion; GORCEAC, Leonid (IEEE, 2014)
    This report concerns the automatic control system based on the programmable controller TRM-151-01 of the temperature of semiconductor alloying with zinc and tellurium. The goal of the research is the industrial modernization ...
  • BUJOREAN, Tatiana; CONDRATICOVA, Liliana (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă” din Chişinău, 2020)
    Gala attire and sportswear, which are presented as an image factor promoting the country, are the primary elements that embody the identity of each national team. The stylized la blouse roumaine (ia), embroidered according ...
  • CEPOI, Liliana (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2014)
    Fe (III) coordination compounds with Schiff bases and Fe (II) with dioxymines induce a state of oxidative stress in culture of Porphyridium cruentum expressed in a significant reduction of biomass and accumulation of lipid ...
  • KOPARAN TAYLAN, E.; SURDU, A.; KIZILKAYA, K.; SIDORENKO, A.; YANMAZ, E. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2013)
    MgB2 thin films were fabricated on r-plane Al2O3 (1102) substrates. First, deposition of boron was performed by rf magnetron sputtering on Al2O3 substrates and followed by a post-deposition annealing at 850 °C in magnesium ...
  • VERLAN, V.; BORDIAN, O.; CULEAC, I.; IOVU, M.; BULHAC, I.; ZUBAREV, V. (Institutul de Fizică Aplicată, 2012)
    The experimental results of PL and its kinetics were analyzed using the Judd-Ofelt method from which PL parameters were obtained: the quantum yield, life time, and the oscillator force of the electrical dipole, etc. The ...
  • BOSTAN, I. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2013)
    Some problems of mechanical transmissions can be solved with special effects by developing new types of transmissions based on planetary precessional transmissions with multiple gear, that were developed by the author. ...
  • PRODAN, Rodica ("Print-Caro" SRL, 2019)
    This paper represents an overview of the maintenance of the equipment used in the production process of Moldovan light industry enterprises. It reflects the economic essence of maintenance, the importance and content of ...
  • COJOCAR, Daniela (Galati University Press, 2021)
    It has been demonstrated that the lowest inhibitory and bactericidal concentration on S. aureus is found in white sea buckthorn powders, followed by rosehip groats and grape marc. In the case of E. coli and K. pneumoniae, ...
  • OSTAPOV, Alina (Academia de Științe a Moldovei, 2023)
    Personalitate creativă, emblematică pentru istoria și teoria arhitecturii academicianul Alexei V. Şciusev a lăsat o amprentă deosebită în dezvoltarea și afirmarea arhitecturii din Basarabia și ulterior RSS Moldovenească, ...
  • STANCIU, T.; POGORA, V.; PROTUC, I. (IEEE, 2002)
    Summary form only given, as follows. An experimental study of the influence of the antivortex generator on the gas dynamic characteristics of the plasma arc torch for cutting metals is presented. On the basis of this study ...
  • POLONSKYI, Oleksandr; VAHL, A.; DREWES, J.; HINZ, A.; STRUNSKUS, T.; ABABII, N.; REIMER, T.; CHEMNITZ, S.; LUPAN, O.; ADELUNG, R.; FAUPEL, F. (Sumy State University, 2018)
    In this paper, we report on a recent progress in formation and deposition of NPs by the gas aggregation method. Examples range from noble (Au, Ag), through reactive (Al) to more advanced core-shell nanostructures [4]. The ...
  • BRYNZARI, V.; DMITRIEV, S.; KOROTCHENKOV, G. (Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2005)
    This paper presents result of investigation aimed at the improvement of gas sensitive properties of SnO2 thin film gas sensors (TFGS) by means of high frequency (HF) oxygen plasma treatment and its surface doping. Used ...
  • CRIVCIANSCHI, Ghenadie (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2023)
    Variation in genotype performance depends on both genetic structure and the influence of environmental factors. Genotype x environment interaction generates discrepancies from one crop to another. Different methods have ...
  • PYRTSAC, C. M. (Institutul de Fizică Aplicată al AŞM, 2016)
    In this paper the Cu/MgO and Cu/Si CSs were selected for the investigation of the plasticity index behavior. The nano-microhardness of the MgO and Si single crystals using as a substrate is 10-12 times higher in comparison ...
  • CAZAC, Viorica; GROSU, Carolina; GUTIUM, Olga; SIMINIUC, Rodica (Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2020)
    Studiul inițial desfășurat a constatat diversitatea mare a plăcintelor, dar și multiplele lor semnificații, ocazii de pregătire și servire a lor. Spre deosebire de arta culinară specifică altor țări, bucătăria autohtonă ...
  • SYRBU, N. N.; CEBOTARI, V. Z.; BOGDANASH, M. (Elservier, 1996)
    Reflectivity spectra of Ag3AsS3 crystals have been investigated in the range from 50 to 4000 cm−1 for E∥÷c and E ⊥ c polarizations, and practically all expected vibrational modes of A1 and E symmetry have been found. Phonon ...
    The value of longitudinal–transverse splitting ωLT equal to 2.5–2.8meV and the translation mass M=2.5m0 were determined for the A exciton as a result of investigation of the reflectivity and luminescence spectra of CuGaSe2 ...

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