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  • NEUMANN, H.; SOBOTTA, H.; SYRBU, N. N.; GOLOVEI, V. M. (WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 1994)
    Infrared reflectivity spectra of PbGa2S4 single crystals are measured at room temperature in the wavenumber range from 30 to 4000 cm−1 for the polarization directions E ∥ c and E ∥ b. The frequencies of 13 B1u modes and ...
  • NEUMANN, H.; SOBOTTA, H.; RIEDE, V.; KAMBA, S.; SYRBU, N. N.; GOLOVEI, M. I. (WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 1992)
    Infrared reflectivity spectra of TI3AsS4 single crystals are measured at room temperature in the wavenumber range from 30 to 4000 cm−1 for the polarization directions E‖ c and E ‖ a. An analysis of the spectra with the ...
  • SOBOTTA, H.; NEUMANN, H.; DREILING, R.; SYRBU, N. N. (WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 1992)
    The ternary compound TIAsS2 belongs to the family of TI-V-VI2 semiconductors with V= As, Sb, Bi and VI=S, Se, Te that have been investigated rather extensively with regard to their phase diagrams, electronic band structure, ...
  • KAPOUTSIS, J. A.; KAMITSOS, E. I.; CULEAC, I. P.; IOVU, M. S. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 1997)
    Chalcogenide glasses have attracted much attention over the years in light of their technological applications, including infrared transmitting optical elements, acoustooptic and memory switching devices, and materials ...
  • ANDRIESH, A. M.; SYRBU, N. N.; IOVU, M. S.; TAZLAVAN, V. E. (WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 1995)
    Reflectivity spectra of CuAlS2, CuAlSe2, and CuGaSe2 crystals have been investigated in the wave number range 50 to 600 cm−1 for the polarizations E ‖ c and E ⊥ c. The fundamental phonon parameters, the limiting dielectric ...
  • SYRBU, N. N.; KRASOVSKY, V. T.; GRINCHESHEN, I. N. (WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 1994)
    Reflectivity spectra of Tl3SbS3, Tl3AsS3, and Tl3AsSe3 crystals have been investigated in the wave number range 50–600 cm−1 for the polarizations E∥c and E c. The fundamental phonon parameters, the limiting dielectric ...
  • TRONCIU, V. Z.; RUSU, S.; YAMADA, Minoru (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2015)
    Theoretical investigations have been carried out to study the dynamics of tandem blue–violet lasers. The theoretical results show that self-pulsating operations are possible when one of the regions is adjusted with an ...
  • PARSHUTIN, V. V.; SHOLTOIAN, N.; KOVAL, A. V.; CHERNYSHEVA, N. V.; BOLOGA, O. A.; SHOFRANSKY, V. N.; BULHAK, I. I.; VEREGAN, A. V. (Institutul de Fizică Aplicată, 2014)
    It are known, that the natural or process water, which contain activating chloride - or sulfate ions, are aggressive enough medium in which corrosion of a steel proceeded with enough fair speed. As inhibitor of corrosion ...
    The method for improving quality of service QoS (Quality of Service) in optical communication systems through the suppression of physical jitter using a cylindrical lens and reducing of the value BER (bit error rate) is proposed.
  • ANDRIEŞ, Andrei; TIGHINEANU, Ion; BOGATENCOV, Petru; COJOCARU, Igor; CUJBA, Rodica (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2012)
    Republic of Moldova has undertaken sustained efforts to join the electronic Europe and to align its national priorities to EU recommendations. SEERAEI project, as well as related regional projects, which are focused on ...
  • LUCA, Stela; LUCA, Nicolae (Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, 2011)
    The new information and communication technologies change the perspective on the educational practice, implementation of which is considered one of the most important problems in the beginning of this millennium, elevated ...
  • CROITORU, Gh. (Institutul de Cercetări Ştiinţifice în Construcţii „INCERCOM“ Î.S., 2012)
    This paper studies the problem behavior of reinforced concrete, with small sections reinforced with high strength steels soft, corrosive environments. It presents the causes of formation of cracks, which are conditioned ...
  • MORARI, V.; RUSU, E. V.; POSTOLACHE, V.; URSAKI, V. V.; TIGINYANU, I. M.; ROGACHEV, A. V.; SEMCHENKO, A. V. (Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 2021)
    A series of Zn1−xMgxO thin films with the composition range x = 0.00–0.60 has been prepared by aerosol spray pyrolysis deposition on Si or quartz substrates. The morphology, composition, crystals structure, and optical ...
  • MORARI, Vadim; URSAKI, Veacheslav; RUSU, Emil; TIGINYANU, Ion (Institutul de Inginerie Electronică şi Nanotehnologii "D. Ghiţu" al AŞM, 2020)
    A brief review of our recent research on injection photodiodes based on metal oxide semiconductors deposited onto Si substrates is presented. A series of ZnSnO, NiO, and Zn1-xMgxO thin films are prepared by aerosol spray ...
  • DUMITRIU, Antonina (Національна Академія Аграрних Наук України, 2023)
    The coxofemoral joint is one of the most robust joints in the dog due to the combination of a very resistant joint capsule and its ligaments. This joint is extremely sensitive to loading, combining stability with mobility. ...
  • CAPCANARI, Tatiana N.; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica Iv.; RADU, Oxana N.; STURZA, Rodica Al. (Galati University Press, 2021)
    The technology of functional plant-milk has been developed based on hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seeds of local origin. As a result of physicochemical studies of the developed plant milk, it was revealed that hemp seed milk ...
  • TURCAN, Iuliu; TURCAN, Rina ("Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, 2021)
    This article aims to argue the importance of innovations and their impact on ensuring the sustainable development of the economy. The article addresses the openness of economies to innovation and involves complex ...
  • FRUNZE, Valenina; IROVAN, Marcela (University of Oradea, 2023)
    Brands, collections, colors and styles are increasingly being created every season, changing accordingly to the many trends’ society generates. People and lifestyle transform rapidly, and so their expectations. With all ...
  • POPOVICI, C.; CARTASEV, A.; CARAGIA, V.; MIGALATIEV, O.; COEV, G.; BOGDAN, N.; GRUMEZA, I.; NECRILOVA, L.; GOLUBI, R. (Національний університет харчових технологій, Київ, 2016)
    The aim of this study is development of fundamental and applied studies with a high impact on the field of food technology, valorization of local agrofood sources through innovative extraction methods with the possibility ...
  • POPOVICI, Cristina; CARAGIA, Vavil; CARTASEV, Anatoli; MIGALTIEV, Olga; COEV, Ghenadie; GOLUBI, Roman; BOGDAN, Nina; GRUMEZA, Irina (National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2017)
    Agrofood industrial wests and byproducts are used as a source of bioactive copounds. At the same time goat milk, indigenous lactic acid bacteria and fermented milk products with high biological properties are main objects ...

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