The paper addresses the problems of creating toothed gears ADCX-CV for 2K – H precessional transmissions, with convex-concave contact KCX-CV with the small difference in the curves of the flanks of the multiple pair conjugated teeth. In order to create the convex-concave contact KCX-CV of the geared teeth with spherospatial motion, we admit that the profile of the satellite teeth are designated with the LEM curve of radius r. The Euler kinematic equations are applied to create the mathematical model.
Lucrarea abordează problemele creării angrenajelor dinţate ADCX-CV pentru transmisii precesionale 2K – H, cu contact convex-concav KCX-CV cu diferenţa mica a curbelor de flanc al dinţilor conjugaţi multipari. Pentru a crea contactul convex-concav KCX-CV al dinţilor angrenaţi cu mişcare sfero-spaţială, admitem ca profilul dinţilor satelit sunt desemnaţi cu curba LEM de raza r. Ecuaţiile cinematice ale lui Euler sunt aplicate pentru a crea modelul matematic.