Photoluminescence spectra of ZnAl2Se4:Sm2+ due to the processes of charge carriers recombination from levels 5Dj, 5Lj, 5Gj and 5Hj (4f55d1) on levels 7Fj of samarium ions were investigated. The broad photoluminescence band at energies 1.6–1.9 eV due to optical transitions of electrons from 4f shell to 1s of samarium ions level was discovered. Emitted energy of it was absorbed by transitions from 7Fj to 5Dj levels. An up-conversion process—electron excitation from 7Fj levels to 5D0, 5D1, 5D2 levels with simultaneous electron transitions to higher energy states 5D3, 5D4, 5Lj, 5Gj, 5Hj with subsequent recombination to 7Fj levels with energy emission in short-wavelength region were found out and investigated.