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  • FUCEDJI, Maxim (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    In the 19-th century, people wanted to create a machine that would help transporting goods and passengers to long distances. In the 20-th century, people wanted to improve the engine to make it more effective and faster. ...
  • DIAUR, Marcela; DAVID, Olga; Ojog, A. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Packaging is a multifunctional participant in food industry. The packs have multiple functions: they contain, preserve and protect the product. The outer covering has to inform the consumer and the design should promote ...
  • STEPAN, Ludmila; PROZOR-BARBALAT, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Every day we want to look well trying a lot of ways to achieve it. A dietary supplement is one of this way that would help us. In some cases it gives good results, in others doesn‟t. So my speech is about use and abuse of ...
  • OGANISEAN, Elina; PLĂMĂDEALĂ, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    The work is about edible flowers which play an important role in cuisines all over the world because they have beneficial effects and help prevent cancer.
  • VÎNTU, Stela; PROZOR-BARBALAT, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Energy balance is the balance between nutrients provided to the body and energy spenditure. Finding the right balance of intake and expenditure over time allows you to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. All changes ...
  • SNEJCO, Alexei; CUŞNIR, E. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    In this article the author gives a brief but many-sided characteristic of Impressionism, an outstanding art movement of the 19th century. Impressionism was a 19th-century art movement that began as an association of ...
  • BEZMOŞCIUC, Marina (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Food additives have become a necessity for all types of food products and food industry. Right from the aroma of the beverage, the texture of the food and its visual appeal have to be enriched to make it acceptable.
  • BIVOL, Dorina; SĂRĂTURĂ, Anastasia; PLAMADEALA, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    The following work relates to food additives which play a vital role in today‟s bountiful and nutritious food supply, in special sweeteners due to their beneficial effects for diabetes mellitus, tooth decay and diarrhea. ...
  • ARHIPOV, Serghei; JECHIU, A. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Any substance, usually composed of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and water that can be eaten or drunk by an animal, including humans, for nutrition or pleasure we call FOOD. The food of future is genetically modified food ...
  • CAZAC, Olga (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    L‟article traite le sujet des genoux de prothèses comme mécanismes intelligents, leurs particularités et leurs importance pour le déplacement humain. Tout les gens méritent de vivre leurs vies pleinement, mais ce rêve est ...
  • CIMPOIES, Inga; PLAMADEALA, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    The following article is an informational support on the importance of milk and its positive influence on our life. It is common knowledge that milk is our first food, and provides the basic building blocks for good health, ...
  • CROITOR, Irina (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    It is recognized that the “non-sustainable" types of production and consumption are the main causes of environmental degradation. They deepen both poverty and social inequality in society that is why there has appeared the ...
  • TROFIMOV, Natalia; ISAC, M. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    L'auteur de cet article est préoccupé par la notion des huîtres, par leur histoire, par les mangeurs d'huîtres, par leur consommation et leurs apports alimentaires.
  • BURLACU, Ştefan; CUŞNIR, E. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Chip or smart cards are widely spread in the modern life. Their most common applications are in mobile phones and electronic means of payment. Where else are the smart cards used? How did they appear? The answers to these ...
  • GRABKO, Alexandr; ŞCERBAK, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    Now we cannot imagine our life without this device – mobile phone. But the majority of us do not know how it has appeared and developed. Now I want to turn your attention to the early facts. Let us see how it all started.
  • STOEVA, Elena; PROZOR-BARBALAT, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Buying milk in shop, the majority of us makes a choice more likely senseless. Modern ways of processing and storage of this food stuffs are necessary for every person. But very few people from us know that the main feature ...
  • COTRUŢA, Alexandr; ŞCERBAC, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    The share of thermal energy plays the main part in the total energy use of our houses: 86% of energy use in private houses goes on heating and getting hot water. It is covered mostly due to gas and oil. As there are no ...
  • SAMSON, Olga (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    Cet article présente l‟influence des paramètres de séchage sur le contenu de la vitamine C dans la griotte séchée. L‘un des indices physico-chimiques qui caractérise la qualité des fruits séchés est la vitamine C. La ...
  • CREŢU, Natalia (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    L‟article porte sur le sujet de l‟Internet, sur son histoire, ses aspects juridiques et techniques et sa contribution pour le développement de la génération du XXI-siècle.
  • CONDREA, Tatiana; PLAMADEALA, L. (Tehnica UTM, 2009)
    The importance of iodine and its impact on our lives: why we should consume iodine, what kinds of food contain iodine, the consequences of its deficiency in human body is presented in the article. Iodine is a naturally ...

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