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Creating an online learning system in engineering sciences in the Republic of Moldova

Show simple item record TODOS, Petru SECRIERU, Nicolae 2021-10-27T08:06:55Z 2021-10-27T08:06:55Z 2012
dc.identifier.citation TODOS, Petru, SECRIERU, Nicolae. Creating an online learning system in engineering sciences in the Republic of Moldova. In: Buletinul AGIR, 2012, N. 4, pp. 270-274. ISSN 2247-3548. en_US
dc.description.abstract Aceasta lucrare reflecta dezvoltarea retelei Interuniversitare eLearn Moodle în conformitate cu proiectul TEMPUS «Crearea Retelei digitale interuniversitare în domeniul stiinţelor aplicate si economie din Republica Moldova (CRUNT) ». Acest proiect are ca obiective crearea unei retele interuniversitare cu o infrastructura modernizata pentru a sustine platforme on-line eficiente de înva învatare, crearea unui centru tehnologic, dotat cu calculatoare, echipamente audio / video, asistate de software modern, pentru a crea cursuri on-line e eficiente si atractive pentru studenti si dezvoltarea unui set de cursuri pilot în diferite domenii, ce vor fi a n aplicate la universitatile partenere. en_US
dc.description.abstract This paper deals with the development of interuniversity’s Moodle eLearning network in accordance with the TEMPUS project «Creating Digital Network Universities in Applied Science Themes and Economics in Moldova (CRUNT)» . This project has the objectives as creation of an interuniversity network with a modernized infrastructure to sustain effective modern online learning platforms, creation of a technological center, endowed with computers, audio/video devices, assisted by modern software to produce online courses efficient and attractive to students and development of a set of pilot courses in different fields, which will be applied at the partner universities. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Asociatia Generala a Inginerilor din Romania en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject învăţare online en_US
dc.subject e-learning en_US
dc.subject reţele interuniversitare en_US
dc.subject online learning en_US
dc.subject interuniversity networks en_US
dc.title Creating an online learning system in engineering sciences in the Republic of Moldova en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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