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The effect of dehulling and thermal treatment on the protein fractions in soryz (Sorghum Oryzoidum) grains

Show simple item record SIMINIUC, Rodica COŞCIUG, Lidia POPESCU, Liliana BULGARU, Viorica 2021-10-06T06:19:01Z 2021-10-06T06:19:01Z 2012
dc.identifier.citation SIMINIUC, Rodica, COŞCIUG, Lidia, POPESCU, Liliana et al. The effect of dehulling and thermal treatment on the protein fractions in soryz (Sorghum Oryzoidum) grains. In: The Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati. F. 6 – Food Technology, 2012, V. 36, Iss. 1, pp. 97-102. ISSN 1843-5157 (print). en_US
dc.description.abstract Cereals have a major importance in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, they are tasty, easily assimilated and cannot miss the daily diet. Diversifying the assortment of cereal products is very topical in the context of increasing food security. Sorghum Oryzoidum or soryz is a relatively new cereal of hybrid origin obtained at the Research Institute for Maize and Sorghum, Republic of Moldova with great possibilities for valorification in human alimentation. In the present paper are presented and analyzed the results of the study of the content of fractional composition of proteins in whole grains and hulled soryz grains and the influence of hydrothermal treatment on soryz grains. The majority of protein fractions (determined by differential solubility in various solvents) of whole grains and hulled sorize is prolamins, followed by gluteline, globulins and albumins. Technological processes such as peeling, hydration and boiling did not significantly change the prolamins content, unlike the rest of the fractions. More pronounced changes following technological processes are observed in hydrosoluble fractions- albumins, some of which were removed with decortication and hidration and boiling significantly diminished their solubility. Whole grains preliminary hidration and later boiling have more pronunced negative effects on albumins and glutelins content compared to boiled whole grains wihout hidration. When boiling the loss of albumins and glutelins was bigger at hulled soriz than at whole grains. This can be explained by a more intensive diffusion of soluble substances of hulled beans relation to soryz beans in as a result of removing the protective outer covering to obtain hulled soryz. The results have scientific value and may be useful for a deeper understanding of soryz technological properties. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University Dunarea de Jos, Galati en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject soryz grains en_US
dc.subject proteins en_US
dc.title The effect of dehulling and thermal treatment on the protein fractions in soryz (Sorghum Oryzoidum) grains en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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