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Proper selection of active-participatory methods for training design engineer from light industry

Show simple item record DANILA, Victoria BALAN, Stela 2020-10-19T09:41:08Z 2020-10-19T09:41:08Z 2011
dc.identifier.citation DANILA, Victoria, BALAN, Stela. Proper selection of active-participatory methods for training design engineer from light industry. In: Sibiu Alma Mater University International Conference. Fifth Edition : Challenges for Science and Research in the Crisis Era, 24th –26th of March 2011, Sibiu, 2011, Secţ. 3. p.1. en_US
dc.description.abstract Application of active participatory methods has many formative facets; it contributes to developing creativity, involves students in learning, putting them in situations to think, to make logical connections and express their ideas and reasoned opinions, etc. The selection of methods is not simple, it requires time, patience and practice. They should be selected and used rigorously, creatively, according to objectives and the specific educational group. Therefore, the option for a particular teacher's method is a very complex decision for teaching. en_US
dc.description.abstract Aplicarea metodelor activ-participative de instruire au multe valenţe formative; contribuie la dezvoltarea creativităţii, implică studenţii în învăţare, punându-i în situaţii de a gândi, de a realiza conexiuni logice şi de a exprima idei şi opinii proprii argumentate, etc. Selectarea metodelor nu este simplă, ci necesită timp, răbdare şi exersare. Ele trebuie să fie selecţionate şi utilizate în mod riguros, creativ, în funcţie de obiectivele propuse, de specificul grupului educaţional. Prin urmare, opţiunea profesorului pentru o anumită metodă, este o decizie de mare complexitate pentru actul didactic.
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Sibiu Alma Mater University en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject learning en_US
dc.subject creativity en_US
dc.subject învăţare en_US
dc.subject creativitate en_US
dc.title Proper selection of active-participatory methods for training design engineer from light industry en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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