Show simple item record GARŞTEA, Nina 2020-10-19T09:34:04Z 2020-10-19T09:34:04Z 2011
dc.identifier.citation GARŞTEA, Nina. Legal regulation of the trial period application. In: Sibiu Alma Mater University International Conference. Fifth Edition : Challenges for Science and Research in the Crisis Era, 24th –26th of March 2011, Sibiu, 2011, Secţ. 2. p.7. en_US
dc.description.abstract In order to verify employee skills, the individual contract of employment, Article No. 60 of Labor Code. 154 of 28.03.2003 - gives employers the opportunity to establish a trial period of three months for the posts of executive and six months for a management position. During that period, the employer is entitled to set practical tests, such as solving concrete cases of tests. The trial period is an opportunity for the employee to prove his fitness to perform official duties that he will recover from his appointment to the position that he claims. Results can be evaluated by experienced professionals who will appreciate the quality of performance objectives, how is the work performed, duration etc. en_US
dc.description.abstract Pentru verificarea aptitudinilor salariatului, la încheierea contractului individual de muncă, prevederile art. 60 al Codului Muncii RM Nr. 154 din 28.03.2003 - conferă angajatorilor posibilitatea de a stabili o perioadă de probă de cel mult trei luni pentru funcţiile de execuţie şi de cel mult şase luni pentru funcţiile de conducere. În cadrul perioadei respective, angajatorul este în drept să stabilească probe practice, cum ar fi rezolvarea unor situaţii concrete, a unor teste. Proba de lucru reprezintă şansa persoanei de a demonstra aptitudinea sa în ceea ce priveşte executarea obligaţiunilor de serviciu care-i vor reveni din momentul numirii sale în funcţia la care pretinde. Rezultatele pot fi evaluate de specialişti experimentaţi care vor aprecia calitatea îndeplinirii obiectivelor, maniera în care a executat lucrul, durata etc.
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Sibiu Alma Mater University en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject labor law en_US
dc.subject salaries en_US
dc.subject employers en_US
dc.subject employees en_US
dc.subject rights en_US
dc.subject work en_US
dc.subject staff en_US
dc.subject legislaţia muncii en_US
dc.subject salarii en_US
dc.subject angajatori en_US
dc.subject angajaţi en_US
dc.subject drepturi en_US
dc.subject muncă en_US
dc.title Legal regulation of the trial period application en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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