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Estimarea modificării proprietăţilor fizico-chimice ale fructelor de pădure la depozitare şi procesare

Show simple item record SANDULACHI, Elizaveta TATAROV, Pavel CROITOR, Dumitru PRUTEANU, Nicolae 2020-10-02T13:16:57Z 2020-10-02T13:16:57Z 2010
dc.identifier.citation SANDULACHI, Elizaveta, TATAROV, Pavel, CROITOR, Dumitru, PRUTEANU, Nicolae. Estimarea modificării proprietăţilor fizico-chimice ale fructelor de pădure la depozitare şi procesare. In: Horticultură, Viticultură şi vinificaţie, Silvicultură şi grădini publice, Protecţia plantelor: materialele Simp. Şt. Intern. „Horticultura modernă - realizări şi perspective”, 25 iunie 2010, Chişinău. Chişinău: Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2010, vol. 24(1), pp. 173-178. ISBN 978-9975-64-191-3. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-64-191-3
dc.description Sursa: Simpozion Şt. Intern. - „Horticultura modernă - realizări şi perspective”, Vol. 24(1), Chișinău, Moldova, 25 iunie 2010.→
dc.description.abstract In this article are elucidated the results of the experimental research connected with the oxido-reducing state of strawberries and raspberries in different level of ripeness. Here are presented: physic-chemical composition of the investigated samples, dry matte content, pH, anthocyanin content, polyphenols, ascorbic acid and K coefficient, which evidence oxido-reducing state of berries. It has been studied, also, the oxidoreducing state of this berries during storage condition. It was found that berries are rich in bioantioxidants. From physico-chemical point of view these fruits are in a reduced state, characterized by high values of index K. Biological value expressed by the oxidation-reducing state of berries depends on the ripeness level. Samples spectral analysis showed that depreciation of strawberries aspect and appearance of brown color is determined by anthocyans and polyphenols degradation and brown compounds formation. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject fructe de pădure en_US
dc.subject căpşune en_US
dc.subject zmeură en_US
dc.subject proprietăţi fizico-chimice en_US
dc.subject bioantioxidanti en_US
dc.subject depozitare en_US
dc.subject procesare en_US
dc.subject grad de coacere en_US
dc.subject berries en_US
dc.subject strawberries en_US
dc.subject raspberries en_US
dc.subject physico-chemical properties en_US
dc.subject bioantioxidants en_US
dc.subject storage en_US
dc.subject processing en_US
dc.subject degree of ripeness en_US
dc.title Estimarea modificării proprietăţilor fizico-chimice ale fructelor de pădure la depozitare şi procesare en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States

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