Browsing Facultatea Tehnologia Alimentelor by Title

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  • IORGA, Eugen; GOLUBI, Roman; ACHIMOVA, Tatiana; FIODOROV, Stanislav; NOJAC, Elena; VLĂDICESCU, Mihai (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Actual situation with grape of Vitis Labrusca varieties, as well as opportunities of their use are described. Results of investigations of the dynamic process of accumulation of the main nutritive substances in grape of ...
  • GUȚU, A.; CARTOFEANU, V.; GÎDEI, I.; COJOCARU, I. (Tehnica UTM, 2016)
    Climate Change in Moldova by late XXI century will manifest by the ambient temperature rises to 5.6 K and reduced water availability up to 55 %, which, on the one hand, will reduce energy consumption for heating up to 60 ...
  • BOIȘTEAN, Alina; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; SIMINIUC, Rodica; ȚURCANU, Dinu; REȘITCA, Vladislav (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    This study evaluated the use of local raw materials: grape juice, wine vinegar and natural honey to replace artificial additives in the production of natural gummy candies. Summarizing the analysis of the organoleptic ...
  • BOEŞTEAN, O.; GHENDOV - MOŞANU, A.; ŢĂRNĂ, R. (Tehnica UTM, 2016)
    it was carried out the study regarding the influence of nettle root addition on physicochemical indicators and organoleptic indices of wheat bread first quality to different percentage of vegetal addition 1, 3, 5, and 7 ...
    This research is focussed on the impact of oil extracts on sensory, physicochemical and microbiological parameters of bread prepared from 1st grade flour with addition of 1% (replacing 1% of sunflower oil) and 2% oil ...
  • CATARAGA, Ivan; COȘELEVA, Olga; EREMIA, Nicolaie; POGREBNOI, Serghei; SUCMAN, Natalia; MACAEV, Fliur (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    The research aim was to determine the influence of the use of chitosan in stimulant food on immunity and winter resistance, early development, and productivity of bee colonies. The investigations were carried out on the ...
  • CHETRARIU, Ancuța; DABIJA, Adriana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    The studies carried out were based on the use of spent grain in recipes for the manufacture of pasta, wafers and an assortment of ginger bread. The level of consumer acceptability was relatively high, averaging up to 15% ...
  • BANTEA-ZAGAREANU, Valentina; SAVCENCO, Alexandra; BAERLE, Alexei; TATAROV, Pavel (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    The obtained HPLC chromatograms demonstrated that the YFDS dye is suitable for its use as a natural dye in the production of caramel. The peaks obtained in the caramel samples demonstrated that the three chalcones ...
  • GORIN, Alexander; DEMIN, Michael (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    In this work it is demonstrated the theoretical bases and results of experiments regarding distribution of temperature on a surface of the evaporator and in volume of the freezing chamber of the household DH-239 refrigerator ...
  • PLATON, Nicoleta; ARUȘ, Vasilica-Alisa; GEORGESCU, Ana-Maria; NISTOR, Ileana-Denisa (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    The present study focuses on chicken eggshells - derived components as a renewable resource. Chicken eggshells are industrial by-products that have been considered waste, hundreds of thousands of tons of chicken eggshells ...
  • BOEŞTEAN, O.; GHENDOV–MOŞANU, A. (Technical University of Moldova, 2014)
    the researches has followed to obtain high quality products by using non–traditional vegetal material – fresh carrot and carrot powder. Surveys were effectuated in order to establish the technological characteristics and ...
  • BIVOL, Dorina; ARHIP, Vasile (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    În acest articol sunt prezentate unele dintre echipamentele utilizate de la recepţia strugurilor la întreprindere, până la momentul când ajungem la produsul finit. Utilajul vinicol prezentat este folosit în ţările europene,în ...
  • POULARD, A.; GAÏNA, B.; MOSCVINTEVA, E.; BELOVA, O. (Technical University of Moldova, 2014)
    The recent developments in fermentation techniques through the use of sequential inoculation non-Saccharomyces/ Saccharomyces sp. yeasts showed the interest of expanding the aromatic range of dry white and rosé wines. ...
  • MIGALATIEV, Olga (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    En République de Moldova, à l’échelle industrielle, sont fabriqués : jus, purée et pâte, concentré, ketchup et autres sauces à base de tomates. La production de ces produits génère une grande quantité de déchets biodégradables ...
  • STURZA, Rodica; COVACI, Ecaterina (Tehnica UTM, 2015)
    According to recent literature, the administration of additives that inhibit crystallization of tartar is highly recommended for application in winemaking. The aim of the present work was undertaken to verify the effect ...
  • GALUŞCA, E.; CHIVIRIGA, I.; DÎNTU, S.; MAJERU, V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2014)
    This study presents the results of research on the compatibility of friction couplings, of which an area is covered with powder through a plasma jet.
  • NISTREANOVA, Iana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2017)
    Teza este prezentată în formă de manuscris. Lucrarea conține 89 pagini, 34 tabele,19 figuri. În primul capitol al acestei lucrări s-a făcut studiul bibliografic a posibilității introducerii amidonului din cartofi în ...
  • OSTAP, Varvara (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2017)
    Teza de licență conține 97 pagini , și anume: Introducerea, 4 capitole, concluzii, bibliografie Lucrare mai are în componența sa 14 figuri, 29 tabele, și 6 anexe. Pentru efectuarea tezei au fost studiate 67 bibliografii. Pentru ...
  • COZMA, Ion; RUBŢOV, Silvia (Tehnica UTM, 2011)
    În opţiunile energetice ale omului, electricitatea şi-a cîştigat un loc priveligiat. Chiar dacă unele surse neconventionale sau conventionale de energie pot fi utile direct în instalaţii termice sau mecanice, preocupararea ...
  • MOTRIUC, Svetlana (Tehnica UTM, 2011)
    This work is devoted to developing a method of obtaining dye E-162 from beetroot with maximum betacyan. Following research it was found that: -yield of betanin throught fermentation method is 87,50 % -temperature of vacuum ...

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