Articolul este consacrat eficentizării procesului de deshidratare a fructelor prin tratarea cu microunde în tunel, urmărindu-se în prim plan reducerea consumului de energie electrică. Pentru abordarea acestei probleme a fost elaborat un sistem experimental pentru deshidratarea fuctelor care aplică un deshidrator de tip tunel, în baza căruia au fost realizate cercetările. Experimentele au fost realizate pe exemplul caiselor, piersicilor și prunelor. Cercetările au demonstrat că deshidratarea fructelor în baza noului sistem propus, permite reducerea consumului de energie electrică de circa 1,37 ori în comparație cu tehnologia clasică.
The paper is dedicated to streamlining the process of fruit dehydration, by microwave treatment in the tunnel, mainly by reducing electricity consumption. To address this issue, an experimental system for fruit dehydration was developed, thus the research being conducted applying a tunnel-type dehydrator. The experiments were performed on the example of apricots, peaches and plums. The results obtained with the application of the experimental system were compared with those obtained based on the classical dehydration technology. Fruit dehydration based on the developed system reduces the consumption of electricity by about 1.37 times, compared to the application of classical technology.