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  • BOSTAN, Ion; DULGHERU, Valeriu; TRIFAN, N. (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2011)
    The invention relates to the workpiece surface strengthening by plastic deformation. The process for knurling the bevel wheel teeth with strengthening of their surface is carried out by several taper rollers of plastic ...
  • BORDIAN, Olga; VERLAN, Victor; CULEAC, Ion; IOVU, Mihail; BULHAC, Ion; ZUBAREVA, Vera (SPIE, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2016)
    Were obtained a new nanocomposite (NC) based on poly N-epoxy prolyl carbazol (PEPC) and the coordination compound luminophore Eu(o-MBA)3Phen, where o-MBA is o- methylbenzoic acid and Phen – phenanthroline. Nanocrystals of ...
  • BORDIAN, O.; CULEAC, I.; IOVU, M.; VERLAN, V.; POPUSOI, A.; POPUSOI, M.; ROBU, St.; DRAGALINA, G.; SEPELI, D. (Institutul de Fizică Aplicată al AŞM, 2015)
    A new structural nanocomposite (NC) based on oligomer poly(N-epoxypropyl)carbazole (PEPC) and copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) nanocrystals on a glass substrate are prepared by casting and droplet methods under normal conditions ...
  • RUDI, Ludmila; CHIRIAC, Tatiana; CEPOI, Liliana; RUDIC, Valeriu; VALUȚA, Ana; DJUR, Svetlana; IAȚCO, Iulia; MISCU, Vera (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2024)
    The invention refers to microalgae biotechnology and bionanotehnology, namely to a technology for cultivation of marine red microalga Porphyridium cruentum of technological interest in order to obtain the high lipid content ...
  • TULICĂ, Alexandru-Constantin (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    This article shows how the dental field has evolved to present dental impressions scanning technology for a particular type of dental work. This paper will present the main scanning device, details about it, how to scan a ...
  • BRANISTE, Tudor (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    The GaN tubular microstructures, with diameter of 2-10 μm, the length from 20 to 100 μm and the wall thickness several tens of nanometers, show interesting microfluidic properties. A pellet of micro-tubes and hollow ...
  • BOAGHI, Eugenia; CIUMAC, Jorj (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2019)
    The invention relates to the food industry, in particular to a process of fermented beverage based on walnut milk.
  • MARCU, Oxana (Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, 2020)
    Within this study, was analyzed the technology of obtaining wine vinegar from grape concentrate. Optimal conditions were established for the alcoholic and acetic fermentation of the grape concentrate.
  • KONOPKO, Leonid; NIKOLAEVA, Albina; KOBYLIANSKAYA, Ana; PARA, Gheorge (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2021)
    The invention relates to the field of materials science and nanotechnology, and more precisely to the possibilities of obtaining single-crystal Bi films with predetermined parameters. The objective of the invention is to ...
    This paper reports on technology development aspects for GaN-based diodes in view of their application at high frequencies. The investigated devices include structures for transferred electron effects for operation at high ...
  • NIKOLAEVA, Albina; KONOPKO, Leonid; BODIUL, Pavel; GHERGHISAN, Igor; COROMISLICHENCO, Tatiana; PARA, Gheorge (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2021)
    The primary purpose of the given presentation was to develop new reliable and reproducible engineering techniques to prepare low-dimensional structures (single- crystals layers) of bismuth telluride and ...
  • NIKOLAEVA, Albina; KONOPKO, Leonid; BODIUL, Pavel; GHERGHISAN, Igor; COROMISLICHENCO, Tatiana; PARA, Gheorghe (Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2021)
    Scopul principal al prezentării date a fost elaborarea de noi tehnici fiabile și reproductibile de inginerie pentru a fabrica structuri dimensional-reduse (straturi monocristale) de telurură de bismuth și izolator ...
  • MIȘANOVSCHI, Dan (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Communication is the element that sustains society. It is necessary for satisfying the basic primordial needs of the individual, that of, manifesting emotions, feelings, thoughts, inner experiences. Thus due to a number ...
  • LUNGU, Viorelia (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă”, 2018)
    The article includes factors that influence adolescent aggressive behavior and several techniques to mitigate this behavior.
  • NASTAS, Vitalie; NICOLAEV, Pavel (Agenţia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală a Republicii Moldova (AGEPI), 2011)
    Ciclul conţine șase invenţii, între care: două convertoare de impedanţă pentru reproducerea impedanţelor-etalon în coordonate carteziene, o metodă de măsurare a componentelor impedanţei în coordonate polare, două măsurătoare ...
  • FLOREA-BURDUJA, Elena; RARU, Aliona; IROVAN, Marcela; FARIMĂ, Daniela (Asociatia Generala a Inginerilor din Romania (AGIR), 2023)
    Proiectarea îmbrăcămintei adaptiv-funcționale pentru persoanele cu amputații este o problemă actuală complexă cu implicații sociale, ce impune o abordare specială, iar fiecare etapă a acestui proces necesită cercetări ...
  • SAVCA, Tatiana (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2022)
    Scopul cercătării este de a prezenta principalele domenii de aplicabilitate ale cadastrului 3D, cum ar fi cadastrul petrolier, cadastrul reţelelor supraterane şi cadastrul monumentelor unde acesta este absolut necesar ...
  • ENACHI, Olesea (Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2022)
    Prezintă interes modul de constituire structurală şi compoziţională a scrânciobelului, realizat dintr-un ansamblu de elemente liniare repetitive, tehnicile de reproducere a acestuia, soluţionarea cromatică, caracteristicile ...
  • ROMANESCU, Eugeniu (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    În acest articol sunt reprezentate modelele și tipurile de recuperare a datelor într-o bază de date. Vom afla cum afectează modelele de recuperare tipurile de recuperare. Backup-ul este important pentru baza de date, pentru ...
  • MARUSIC, Galina (Academia de Științe a Moldovei, 2013)
    This paper deals with the problem of water quality in the river type systems. It presents an analysis of software packages of dynamic simulation of surface water quality, for example: WASP (Water Quality Analysis Simulation ...

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