The article describes a case of notoedrosis in laboratory rats in the vivarium of the University of Medicine of Moldova. During clinical examination of 23 rats, there were detected 7 rats with signs of alopecia on the dorsal dorsum of the nose, warty scabs on the edge of the ears and severe itching. There were brought 10 rabbits from a rabbit farm from Hăncesti to the vivarium two weeks before the rats became ill. During quarantine, one of the rabbits showed symptoms of ear scabies. Microscopy was used to make the diagnosis and to search for a possible source of infection. The veterinary drug Ivermectin 0.8 % was used at a dosage of 1 ml per 1 liter of drinking water, three times with an interval of 7 days to treat the rats. The effectiveness of treatment was established by disappearance of clinical symptoms. The sick rabbit was returned to the farm.