Lucrarea este efectuata in scopul studierii si analizei metodei termoeconomice a instalatiilor frigorifice si pompelor de caldura In perioada de realizare a proiectului am obtinut cunostinte in elaborarea modelului termoeconomic al intalatiilor frigorifice, am studiat aparatul de analiza tehnica si economica care are un rol deosebit de important in proiectarea si contructia instalatiior frigorifice moderne reiesind din conditiile economiei globale si cerintele asupra calitatii intalatiilor, determinind astfel si costul final al instalatiilor frigorifice. Am studiant notiunea de termoeconomie care prezinta atit teoria economica cit si metoda termodinamica a teoriei exergetice, unde exergia este legatura din termodinamica si economie. Au fost analizate metodele moderne de analiza si oprimizare a instalatiilor frigorifice si pompelor de caldura, acestea fiind ca ,,metoda de sine statatoare’’; ,, medota structural- varianta’’ ; ,, teoria valorii exergetice’’. Am elaborat si am studiat modelul termoeconomic al instalatiei frigorifice cu o treapta unde problema luata in consideratie fiind studierea si analizarea costurilor minime si actuale pentru a fi creata o instalatie frigorifica cu capacitatea anumita. In final lucrarea executata este argumentata de necesitatea metodei termoeconomice in contructia si dezvoltarea echipamentului si utilajului frigorific obtinid un pret cit mai scăzut.
The work is carried out in order to study and analyze the thermoeconomic method of refrigeration installations and heat pumps. During the realization of the project, I obtained knowledge in the elaboration of the thermo-economic model of refrigeration installations, I studied the technical and economic analysis apparatus that has a particularly important role in the design and construction of modern refrigeration installations arising from the conditions of the global economy and the requirements on the quality of installations, thus determining the final cost of the refrigeration installations. I am studying the notion of thermoeconomics, which presents both the economic theory and the thermodynamic method of the exergetic theory, where exergy is the connection between thermodynamics and economics. The modern methods of analyzing and oppressing the refrigeration installations and heat pumps were analyzed, these being the "stand-alone method"; "structural-variant method"; "exergetic value theory". I developed and studied the thermoeconomic model of the refrigeration installation with one step, where the problem taken into consideration is the study and analysis of the minimum and current costs to create a refrigeration installation with a certain capacity. In the end, the executed work is argued by the necessity of the thermoeconomic method in the construction and development of the refrigeration equipment and machinery, obtaining the lowest possible price but with a high quality.