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  • DUBNEAC-CHIORU, Dumitru; GUȚUL, Vera (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldove, 2023)
    Lucrarea evidențiază modul în care se implementează calculul care prezice mișcări ale fumului, temperaturii, monoxidului de carbon și mișcarea aerului. Asigurarea securității în caz de incendiu în proiectarea sistemelor ...
  • PARASCA, Dumitru; VÎRLAN, Ludmila (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    "Despite the influence that the telecommunications industry has on governments around the world and the fact that people like to use mobile phones and wireless devices, we hope that through well-documented information from ...
  • VÎRLAN, Vasile; UNGUREANU, Dumitru (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    From theory of decantation of suspended matter is obvious that the depth is one of efficient clearness influence components on dependence of geometric factors. In this proceedings are considered the regimes to flow of ...
  • RĂCĂNEL, Carmen; BURLACU, Adrian (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2014)
    Asphalt mixtures compaction is an important process which affects the quality of asphalt mix layer placed. This paper presents by comparative charts, the influence of asphalt mixture compaction on phisico-mechanical ...
  • CAZAC, Oleg (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldove, 2023)
    Studiile actuale arată că clădirile și construcțiile folosesc circa 36 % din energia globală. Deci, construcția de case cu consum redus de energie și la prețuri accesibile, devine stringentă. Experiența arată că argila, ...
  • TURCULEŢ, Mihail (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2016)
    This article presents the results of study regarding role and importance of wood constructions within sustainable development and adjustment to climate change. Thanks to the fact that wood is renewable, resistant, lasting ...
  • FIODOROV, Natalia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    The evolution of architecture from the first houses built by primitive man to modern monumental structures have constantly undergone many changes. Plethora of these buildings have deteriorated for various reasons while ...
  • BURLACU, Adrian; RĂCĂNEL, Carmen (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    In today's global economy, rational use of resources occupies one of the first places among researches in the field of asphalt mixtures. The demand for aggregates for asphalt mixture is increasing, a trend that has a ...
  • PANAITESCU, Mariana; PANAITESCU, Valeriu-Nicolae; PANAITESCU, Fanel-Viorel; PANAITESCU, Ileana; GHIOCEL, Andreea (Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei, 2014)
    In this paper was monitored the energy consumption during the period 2010-2013 and the graphics processing to make further proposals on the reduction of energy costs on energy-intensive groups. There have been energy values ...
  • RUSU, Ion; PROASPĂT, Eduard (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2014)
    Here we present the results of research on reinforcement corrosion kinetics in cracks in concrete, depending on their openness and the interaction way of constructions with the liquid medium. The research was conducted ...
  • ZAGAEVSCHI, Elena; PLĂMĂDEALĂ, Stela (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldove, 2023)
    În cadrul dezvoltării designului au apărut și s-au dezvoltat mai multe stiluri сu caracteristica lor individuală de interior. Pe parcursul timpului, poporul nostru a cunoscut o dezvoltare culturală care în zilele noastre ...
  • BRUMĂ, Tatiana; EPUREAN, Vladimir (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2014)
    Throughout a history of design development, the respect for the nature and concerns of humanity have influenced basically on the creation of organic shapes that conquer the whole world with strong vitality and practicability. ...
  • POGORLEŢCHI, Ghenadie (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2016)
    This article presents a review of the justification of the value of widening the carriageway on the public roads of curves in terms of taking into account the criticism of guidance on this issue, presented in NCM D.02.01 ...
  • CÎRLAN, Alexandru (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2016)
    The problem of assessing the stability of natural slopes and slope recesses is very actual in our time, characterized by complex architectural and construction solutions. The importance of research in this direction is ...
  • EPUREAN, Vladimir (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    The human eye "sees" everything around us in colors, these being revealed by the influence of light, so we could say about color photography that it helps us to express reality as it is perceived with an interpretation ...
  • ANDRIEVSCHI, Serghei; LUNGU, Valeriu; LOZAN, Alexandr (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    Using the D-optimal plan for two factors, experiments were made to determine the dependence on resistance in the headway of mixer with working bodies in the form of bars of coefficient of the drum fill and the bar diameter. ...
  • MAŢCAN-LÎSENCO, Inga (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2014)
    This piece of work explains the importance of the achieving work in interior design through the creative space for obtaining an modern custom interior where to highlight the space delimitation as well as detailing with the ...
  • FLOREA, Eleonora (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2014)
    Article "Design - is the progress factor of contemporary civilization" is devoted to study the problem of design evolution. In contemporary society, the design becomes a primary factor of social progress. The field of ...
  • RACILA, Carolina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    The living room is one of the most important rooms in a house, it is the place where the family meets and performs many functions. This is the central room of the house. Originally intended for welcoming guests, but now, ...
  • ȘERȘUN, Alexandra (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    This article makes a brief presentation of the evolution of the office as a workspace, analyzes current stylistic trends in interior design, organizational models and approach to the design problem and possible development ...

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