2019: Recent submissions

  • LÎNIUC, Cristina; OSOIANU, Filip; POPOV, Eliodor; BARGAN, Cătălin (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    In this paper it is analyzed what a domain-specific language means, its main advantages and how to develop a DSL for evaluation of mathematical expressions, how to define its grammar and what rules are applied. There are ...
  • BOTNARU, Ina; CREȚU, Dumitru; EJOVA, Ecaterina; SARMANIUC, Marius (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    This paperwork presents a case study of the Domain-Specific Languages and the performance of the top Database Management System. The Structured Query Language is the main programming language designed to manage data stored ...
  • GOMENIUC, Alina; MEDINSCHI, Eduard; MUNTEANU, Maria; VASILIȚA, Ion (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    This paper discusses a Domain Specific Language that has been developed in order to implement some particular topics of the linear mathematics: Vectors and Matrices. Vectors and matrices are notational conveniences for ...
  • GURDUZA, Vasile; BARACU, Patricia; TIRDEA, Nicoleta; MUNTEANU, Vasilica (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    In this paper is investigating the design of a specific language which control primitives and graphical windows that will allow simulation of it. The language is described by semantic rules, grammar, lexer using ANTLR, all ...
  • BOAGHI, Vasile; CÎRNAȚ, Nadejda; GALAJU, Elizabet; ȘCEBEC, Mihai (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    This article represents an analysis of the implementation of a Domain Specific Language in Taxes Calculation. Analyzing the both technical and non-technical subjects, the article has the goal to describe in depth, stepby-step ...
  • ȚURCAN, Cătălin (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Since the creation of modern CPUs, computing has seen a tremendous growth in terms of performance, while the price decreased each generation. This growth has seen diminishing returns in the recent years. It is only logical ...
  • SPEIANU, Dana; CHISELIOV, Eugen-Cătălin; ȘVEȚ, Vera; CHIRICĂ, Maria-Mirabela (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    In this paperwork is presented the first phase of development of the Domain Specific Language for microcontrollers in the domains where microcontrollers are used. In order to start to implement this Domain Specific Language, ...
  • FILIP, Adrian; DOGA, Vadim; POLEACOV, Tatiana; CAVCALIUC, Nina (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    The Query DSL is distinct from other query languages, it has to work with text files and execute the search using a predefined pattern or expression via some efficient function. Their main purpose is to be useful to use ...
  • GAPONCIC, Diana; FLOCEA, Dominic (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Mankind reached all-time highs in what concerns science. This exponential development is especially thanks to mathematics and its contribution to what we know today as Computer Science and programming. Unfortunately, not ...
  • CIOCAN, Laurentiu; CASAP, Alexandru; SVET, Valeria; CEREMPEI, Ion (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    This paper surveys the available literature on the topic of domain-specific languages as used for the construction and maintenance of software systems. Although many articles have been written on the development of a ...
  • GALAJU, Margareta; GARCIU, Eugenia; TSYGULEOVA, Tatiana; CONSTANTINOVA, Carina (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Have you ever thought about why you really need Physics in your life? Moreover, if you are willing to become a programmer, you will need to know Physics. Today, the most common question among the IT students is – ‘Why does ...
  • DIACENCO, Margareta; ONICA, Mariana; FIȘTIC, Cristofor; LUPAȘCU, Andrei (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    This article presents the grammar and the lexical parser for a domain specific language that is made for the automation system. Additionally, this paper explains how the DSL, which is being developed, will work, what ...
  • VEREBCEANU, Mirela; DODON, Ion; LAPTEDULCE, Nicu; RAILEAN, Nichita (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    In this article describes a Domain Specific Language for astrology. It is named Astro and uses .astro extension. The Astro domain specific language has the purpose to gather astrology data from an API offered by astrologyapi.com ...
  • CONSTANTINOVA, Carina (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Buried deep inside nearly every cell of your body, tiny strands of DNA help determine who you are, how you look and explain in detail how to build and operate a human being. Over the last sixty years, scientists and ...
  • GOȚONOAGA, Dorian; ULMANU, Cristian (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    IoT este o tehnologie nou apărută pe piață, care începe să câștige un loc important pentru producători, precum și apreciat de consumatori. IoT se referă la dispozitivele care, inițial, nu au fost concepute pentru a avea ...
  • MANOLACHE, Pavel; CIOBANU, Catălin; CEBOTARU, Stefan; ȘCHIOPU, Maxim (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Termenul de Inteligență Artificială este destul de cunoscut, însă nu se știe exact unde ea este prezentă și unde poate fi aplicată. Articolul dat este o studiu al domeniului, care subliniază unde este întâlnită Inteligența ...
  • RUSANOVSCHI, Mihaela; POCIUMBANU, Gabriela; PANIŞ, Iulian; BOBEICO, Dumitru (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    În lucrare e indicat ce înseamnă tehnologia Blockchain, avantajele si dezavantajele ei, cum lucreaza ea, și de ce a fost supranumita de autori tehnologia viitorului.
  • POPOVICI, Nadejda (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    În lucrare este prezentat aplicația LabView pentru identificarea în timp real a modelelor matematice de descriere a obiectelor de reglare și acordarea experimentală a algoritmilor tipizați. Ca obiectul de reglare a fost ...
  • POPA, Victor; PLATON, Vadim (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    În lucrarea este descris sistemul digital elaborat pentru generare a impulsurilor PWM, care permite schimbarea factorului de umplere, pentru controlul turațiilor și direcției de rotație a rotorului motorului BLDC. În acest ...
  • CRUȘNEVSCHI, Stanislav; MORARU, Dumitru (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Traductoarele sunt elemente de automatizare care sesizează şi transformă mărimea de măsurat (de ieşire a procesului) într-un semnal mai convenabil, de obicei de altă natură fizică. Intre marimea de masurat si obtinerea ...

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