Conferinţa "Modern technologies, in the food industry" – 2012: Recent submissions

  • LASHEVA, Veska; КAMBUROV, Mihail; BENCHEVA, Sijka (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Demand of renewable natural and biodegradable polymers, which can improve the properties of paper and facilitate recycling, is connected with chitosan. Use of chitosan in production of paper is possible because of its ...
  • KULEVA, Lilliana; LUPAŞCO, Andrei; STOICEV, Petru; KULEV, Mihail (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    The finite element mathematical model, developed by the authors for complex structure fruits on an example of the mulberry fruit (as a set of fruitlets), which can adequately simulate on the one hand, the complex structure ...
  • KARNAUK, Victoria (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    The article considers the possibility of introduction of helio-installations into the hot water supply system for primary heating of the product water. The calculation and selection of the SC (solar collectors), which are ...
  • IVASHENKO, N.; BULYANDRA, A.; BERNIC, M. (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Drying of sugar beet pulp is a nonstationary mass transfer process, the rate of which varies throughout the process. When studying the material were constructed the curves of the moisture content depending on drying time, ...
  • IVANOV, Leonid; BERNIC, Mircea; CIOBANU, Eugeniu (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    The paper describes the equation of heat and mass transfer during wet products dehydration process, using SHF field moving with equal speed through a rectangular waveguide.
  • IVANOV, Leonid; PISARENCO, Valentin; CARTOFEANU, Vasile; PISARENCO, Maxim (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    În lucrare este propusă metoda de calcul al procesului de transfer de căldura ce are loc în spaţiul dintre condensator şi peretele dulapului frigiderului casnic.
  • GOSPODINOV, Delyan; HADJIISKI, Vilhelm; STEFANOV, Stefan (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    The corrugated paperboard is the most used material for producing of a large variety of packages for almost every industry. The reason lies mainly in its low price, lightness and its potential for recycling. Despite of ...
  • GORIN, Alexander; DEMIN, Michael (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    In this work it is demonstrated the theoretical bases and results of experiments regarding distribution of temperature on a surface of the evaporator and in volume of the freezing chamber of the household DH-239 refrigerator ...
  • GHENDOV-MOŞANU, Aliona; BOEŞTEAN, Olga; DICUSAR, Galina; ŢĂRNĂ, Ruslan (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    In this paper is presented the biochemical content of the fruits of Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot and the influence of storage duration on the quantity of soluble vitamins (C and P) of product. The processing methods ...
  • GAPONYUK, I.; SHAPOVALENKO, O. (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Урожай зерна необходимо очистить и высушить до базисных норм для удовле-творения зерноперерабатывающих технологий, экспортных требований и долговременного хранения. Производительность сепараторов находится в обратной ...
  • GAPONYUK, I.; BULYANDRA, A. (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Двухшахтные сушилки типа ДСП-32 есть наиболее распространенные в Украине. Фактическая энергоемкость сушки зерна в таких сушилках в два раза превышает расчетную потребность на фазовые превращения влаги в зерне. Наибольшие ...
  • GANEA, Grigore; BROŞOVAN, Roman (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    In the paper work above we analyzed the constructive, technological and economic disadvantages of grape destemmers that at the moment are used at the grapes primary processing factories. Also here we mentioned the improvement ...
  • DUMITRAŞ, Petru; BOLOGA, Mircea; CUCIUC, Tudor; SHEMYAKOVA, Tatiana (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    The results are presented of the research, development and implementation of cavitation technologies and equipment for their application in the food industry. The action of the ultrasonic, hydrodynamic and/or bifrequency ...
  • DODON, Adelina; LUPAŞCO, Andrei; ŢISLINSCHII, Natalia; ROTARI, Elena (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Drying of heterogeneous systems, one of which also includes sorize groats, is a complex process that has not yet been fully explored because of the essential problems that arise in research of various parameters influencing ...
  • BOLOGA, Mircea; VRABIE, Elvira (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Electrophysical technology is the most effective method for processing secondary milk products with a subsequent recovery of a protein-mineral concentrate and simultaneous isomerisation of lactose into lactulose. The need ...
  • BILETSKY, E.; SEMENIUK, D. (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    This article discusses methods of determining the energy dissipation in the flow of Bingham fluids in channels of different shapes.
  • BERNIC, Mircea; BANTEA-ZAGAREANU, Valentina; MARUSIC, Constantin; CIOBANU, Eugeniu; BĂLAN, Iurie (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    In this paper we studied the main factors influencing the quality of dough and kneading process. Particular attention is given to the variation of dough resistance opposite working body during the kneading process. As a ...
  • BERNIC, Mircea; LUPAŞCO, Andrei; ŞAPOVALENCO, Oleg; BULEANDRA, Alexei; CIOBANU, Eugeniu (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    The paper considers the possibility of vegetable oil crops’ drying with the use of internal heat source in a pulsed mode. There was obtained the mathematical dependence of the duration of heating and duration of relaxation ...
  • BĂLAN, Iurie; BERNIC, Mircea; ŞAPOVALENCO, Oleg; CIOBANU, Eugeniu; GUŢU, Marin (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    In the present paper is examined the premix dosing in the process of wheat flour fortification, specially is looking for productivity of the volumetric dozer, the dosage error and factors of influence on dosing operation.
  • ANTROPOVA, Lyudmila; GLADKAYA, Alla; DATKOV, Vladimir (Tehnica UTM, 2012)
    Information on the effects of vibration, as an effective means of mechanical action on potato tubers in the process of washing, the effects of shape and vibration parameters of a washing machine’s working chamber on the ...

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