This article presents the 3-year yield data of two winter triticale varieties depending on the forerunner plants (grain pea and vetch + oats), planted in three different sowing periods (early, optimal, acceptable) and according to three sowing rates - 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 million of viable seeds per 1 ha. In the multifactorial experiment, the greatest influence on the yield of the studied varieties of winter triticale was recorded by the sowing period (Factor B) – 54.06 – 61.53%, followed by the used forerunner plants (Factor A) – 10.48 – 28.15%, the sowing rate (Factor C) – 9.11 – 18.89%, and the last was the interaction of Factors AB – 6.16 – 8.00%. The highest quality of grain and crude protein content was recorded by Ingen 93 variety where grain pea was used as a forerunner plant. The sowing period of both winter wheat varieties contributed to the mass increase of 1,000 seeds by 0.3-0.7 g on average in 3 years for both forerunner plants. Over the years of research the size of seeds ranged from 37.2 g in 2011 up to 49.4 g in 2013.