This work represents an interdisciplinary study about the research of the drinking water quality opposite to the general ecological situation of the rural area, the agricultural degree of land utilization (plowing degree), the index of the ecological balance, degree of afforestation, degree of erosion, and the natural compounds of ecological stability of the territory. A special attention has been paid to the identification of the local sources of pollution of the ground waters, animal wastes, calculation of their volumes, highlighting of the dangerous chemical components that exceed maximum admissible concentrations for drinking water provided by the standards and regulations in force in Republic of Moldova. As a local object of reference the village of Lencauti, Ocnita County was investigated. The studies have shown that the quality of water from the wells is directly dependent on the anthropic sources of pollution, the volume of the animal wastes from the rural area, and is significantly influenced by the erosion degree and the general ecological stability of the grounds.