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Browsing Facultatea Calculatoare, Informatică şi Microelectronică by Title

Browsing Facultatea Calculatoare, Informatică şi Microelectronică by Title

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  • KOCH, Thomas (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    In this work the experimental investigation of the resistive transitions broadening for magnesium diboride films and their microstructure is reported. The MgB2 films were prepared by dc-magnetron sputtering. To explore the ...
  • MOŞANU, Andrei (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Titlul lucrării: Folosirea instrumentelor Data Mining pentru verificarea ipotezelor ce țin de comportamentul vânzărilor. Scopul lucrării: Cercetarea metodelor și modelelor matematice care permit verificarea ipotezelor și ...
  • COJUHARI, Irina; DUCA, Ludmila; FIODOROV, Ion (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    This guide is intended for the students from the study program Software Engineering, Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics, Technical University of Moldova, for the practical lessons at the course Formal ...
  • GERNGROSS, M.-D.; HRKAC, V.; KIENLE, L.; CARSTENSEN, J.; FÖLL, H. (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    In this work the galvanic formation of Ni crystallites and Ni nanowires with very high aspect ratios (>1000:1) in porous InP is presented. By depositing a dielectric interlayer on the InP pore walls it is possible to produce ...
  • BELOUSSOV, I. V.; PAVLENKO, V. I.; DOBYNDE, I. I.; OZOL, D. I. (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    The kinetics of a strongly nonequilibrium state of electrons and holes excited in quantum dots by a long laser pulse in the p-states are studied using the timeresolved photoluminescence. Three bands of the transient ...
  • KUDELINA, Olga (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Medical personnel are the most important part of resource maintenance of healthcare system, they make the defying influence on structure developments’ implementation in healthcare reforming. High number of medical staff ...
  • MONAICO, Eduard (Tehnica UTM, 2016)
    In this paper, we report on the possibility of cost-effective fabrication of InP nanomembranes and nanowires using fast anodic etching of n-InP single crystalline substrates under potentiostatic conditions. Fast anodic ...
  • POPESCU, Anatol; BESETEA, Anatol; BALAN, Iurie (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    The efficient condition of technical devices (TD) assumes these devices’ performance of set functions, keeping key parameters (KP) within the limits, established by normative and technical documentation. When defining the ...
  • POSTICA, Vasile; ABABII, Nicolai; CREŢU, Vasilii (Tehnica UTM, 2015)
    Peliculele nanostructurate de ZnO:Sn au fost depuse prin metoda sintezei chimice din soluţii (SCS). A fost cercetat regimul optimal al tratamentului termic rapid pentru obţinerea unui răspuns maximal la iluminarea cu ...
    The optical model of polycrystalline networks of histological sections of rectum wall is suggested. The results of investigating the interrelation between the values of statistical (statistical moments of the 1st-4th order) ...
  • ABABII, V.; SUDACEVSCHI, V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    In this paper a hardware implementation method of Safe Petri Nets (SaPN) models is proposed. Mapping of SaPN models into FPGA is based on creating of the connections between selected functional elements places P and ...
  • CAZAC, Daniela (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2020)
    Sсорul luсrărіі соnstă în alegerea unui set de instrumente, integrarea și configurarea lor într-un mediu de testare automată a aplicațiilor web.
  • DUPLACHI, Corneliu (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2019)
    În cadrul acestei teze, masterandul a analizat protocoalelor de control a navigatoarelor și a dispozitivilor cum ar fi protocolul „WebDriver” creat de Selenium și extensia acestui protocol numit „Mobile Wire Protocol” creat ...
  • GANDRABURA, Valeria (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2020)
    Teza este scrisă în limba română și conține 66 pagini, 51 figuri. Structura tezei include: introducerea, 3 capitole și concluzii. Scopul lucrării este de a facilita munca tuturor persoanelor implicate în dezvoltarea unui ...
  • STOENESCU, Constantin (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    The knowledge based society developed the new technologies of information and communication in order to use better all the data at different levels and to manage them efficiently. Computers have the capacity to store ...
  • FAUPE, Franz (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    Electronics, communications and computing had a dramatic impact on the development of humankind during the last decades that now affects almost every aspect of our daily life. It can be foreseen that this influence will ...
  • HAVERICH, Axel (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    End-stage diseases lead to permanent organ failure and can occur in all ages. Organ transplantation often appear as a single option to save the patient’s life and represents the current standard of care for chronic end-stage ...
    Children with persistent OM with effusion and recurrent acute OM were examined by impedance audiometry, brainstem evoked response audiometry, registration of oto- acoustical emissions, pneumatic otoscopy, otomicroscopy, ...
  • COJOCARU, Ion; EŞANU, Mariana (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Addressing Design for testability of digital structures requires performing complex studies of phenomena at the frontiers of scientific directions as mathematical logic, physics, chemistry, biology. Half a century passed ...
  • KHUDAVERDYAN, Surik; VASEASHTA, Ashok; AYVAZYAN, Gagik; KHACHATRYAN, Mane; KHUDAVERDYAN, Ashot (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023)
    This investigation considers the possibility of creating highly sensitive devices in the optical (CdTe, Si) and X-ray (CdTe) ranges of electromagnetic waves. The process of mutual compensation of photocurrents arising in ...

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