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  • BOGACI, Elena (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    Sustenabilitatea reprezintă una din tendințele globale în ultimul timp. Moda reprezintă domeniul pentru care acest concept este foarte actual. Industria ușoară ocupă locul doi după poluarea mediului, necesită măsuri radicale ...
  • ROTARU, Marcel (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Producția bateriilor cu acumulatoare cu ioni de litiu este esențială pentru dezvoltarea vehiculelor electrice și a altor industrii, cum ar fi echipament electronic de larg consum sau integrarea resurselor regenerabile de ...
  • CARAUȘ, Ana; TRONCIU, Sergiu (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Implementarea practicilor sustenabile în proiectarea colecțiilor vestimentare la finalizarea studiilor de specialitate este unul din trendurile principale în ultimii ani. Procesul de creare a textilelor sustenabile în ...
  • CUŞNIR, Natalia (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    Articolul abordează un subiect semnificativ în dezvoltarea antreprenoriatului în Republica Moldova și anume susținerea tinerilor antreprenori prin intermediul ODIMM, deoarece tinerii sunt cei care au curajul să adopte ...
  • HARITON, Dan; CUȘNIR, Mihaela; FURDUI, Alexandru (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Over the years we were accustomed to perceive art and science as two completely opposite concepts of the world. You have to choose either you are a scientist, either an artist, there is no between. But the unknown, or the ...
  • BAERLE, Natalia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    A new methodology for the synthesis of azachalcones has been developed to avoid formation of secondary products of dimerization and cyclization, based on the rigorous control of the pH of the reaction medium. The method ...
  • SUMAN, V.; GHIMPU, L.; LUNGU, I.; POTLOG, T. (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    Colloidal solutions of noble metals have catalytic properties and biological properties. It is known to use them as catalysts for carrying out various transformations of organic compounds, and also for the defense against ...
  • SUMAN, Victor; MORARI, Vadim; ZALAMAI, Victor; MONAICO, Eduard; RUSU, Emil (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    This work presents a study of SnSe thin films obtained by RF magnetron sputtering, which is a technology relatively cheap and easy for devices based on thin film, unlike most SnSe fabrication techniques for thermoelectric ...
  • COJUHARI, Irina; FIODOROV, Ion; IZVOREANU, Bartolomeu; MORARU, Dumitru (Bons Offices, 2018)
    Above the linear process can act the disturbance signals, so kind of processes can be described by the parametrical models, where the most used take part from the ARMAX class (Auto-Regressive Moving Average with eXogenous ...
  • BUDECI, Mihai (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    Dans cet article on décrit le domaine d'intérêt choisi pour le système d'information est le domaine HoReCa, c'est-à-dire le secteur des Hôtels, Restaurants et Cafés. Le système, ReservLot, représente la réservation de ...
  • BUZA, Dina; MACOVEI, Grigore (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Un système d'exploitation, en abrégé OS (operating systemen anglais, en abrégé OS), est un ensemble de programmes qui a pour rôle de gérer et de faciliter l'accès de l'utilisateur aux ressources du système informatique. ...
  • ȚAPORDEI, Victoria (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Societatea zilelor noastre solicita, mai mult ca oricand, inteligenta si capacitatea creatoare a omului.„Intregul climat al viitorului, va situa capacitatile intelectuale in conditiile deplinei afirmari si va da un larg ...
  • IURCOVSCHI, Cosmin Tudor; SANDU, Ion; PELIN, Vasile; TĂNASĂ, Ovidiu Petru; PADURARU, Marius (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    The large number of studies in this field demonstrates the contribution that materials science and tehnnology have to the valorization of wood artifacts or which contains wood in their structural components. This being ...
  • BOSTAN, Ion (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    This work contemplates on the evolution of engineering sciences development in the Republic of Moldova in the postwar period. The author emphasizes the place and role of engineering sciences at different stages reflected ...
  • PURCARU, Mihai (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    În lucrare se prezinta un scurt istoric al utilizării tancurilor de către armata română și rolul acestora în luptele ce au urmat Primului Razboi Mondial.
  • SAVVA, Irina; GOGOI, Elena (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    This paper intends to provide a brief overview to an worldwide known phenomenon-blogging and to present it as an integrational tool into pedagogical practices to enhance learning. According to several studies, the act of ...
  • ILCENCO, Eugeniu; TIMOTIN, Mihai (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    This article shows two different approaches of teamwork in a long term project and it demonstrates that you may achieve your goal without following any principles or laws. This paperwork also brings out two approaches ...
  • TULICĂ, Alexandru-Constantin (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    This article shows how the dental field has evolved to present dental impressions scanning technology for a particular type of dental work. This paper will present the main scanning device, details about it, how to scan a ...
  • BRANISTE, Tudor (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    The GaN tubular microstructures, with diameter of 2-10 μm, the length from 20 to 100 μm and the wall thickness several tens of nanometers, show interesting microfluidic properties. A pellet of micro-tubes and hollow ...
  • MIȘANOVSCHI, Dan (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Communication is the element that sustains society. It is necessary for satisfying the basic primordial needs of the individual, that of, manifesting emotions, feelings, thoughts, inner experiences. Thus due to a number ...

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