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  • BELOTSERKOVSKII, I.; SIBAEV, A.; KARAGENOV, D.; SIDORENKO, A. (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    Experimental studies have shown a real possibility of using thermocouple (and in a broader sense) thermal converters to measure the pressure of various gases in a wide pressure range with a low error, subject to mandatory ...
  • PROSCURINA, Daria (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Stylization is one of the basic techniques involved in the creation of forms in design, which helps designers to achieve professional goals like beauty and applicability, that is why it is reasonable to be analyzed. The ...
  • CHEMIXIZ, Ecaterina; IVANCEVA, Elena (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    Asociația Națională de Cercetare Oceanică și Atmosferică (NOAA) estimează că, în timp ce oceanele reprezintă mai mult de două treimi din suprafața Pământului, mai mult de 80% din ocean nu este cartografiat sau urmărit. Din ...
  • STRUNĂ, Vadim (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    În această lucrare este prezentată o nouă parte din lumea computerelor. Mai exact, o nouă ramură a informaticii care va ajuta la calculul unui foarte mare volum de informații: Subconștiința Artificială (SA) și va fi ...
  • COJUHARI, E. P.; GARDNER, B. J. (Bons Offices, 2018)
    In this talk all rings have identity but need not be commutative. In many cases the ring A(G; σ) is a subnormalizing extension of A generated by G. On the other hand, if S is a subnormalizing extension of R, the xi form a ...
  • BURLACU, Alexandra (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2022)
    Scopul cercetării este analiza activităților de subvenționare în agricultură și mediul rural în zonele Republicii Moldova. Subvențiile reprezintă un ajutor financiar nerambursabil și neimpozabil, acordat din fondul de ...
  • CALIN, Iurie; CIUBOTARU, Stanislav (Bons Offices, 2018)
    In this paper we consider the class of systems (1) (or (2)) with the conditions I3 = 0, I1 =0, I2 > 0. The conditions I1 = 0, I2 > 0 mean that the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix at the singular point (0, 0) are pure ...
  • CALIN, Iurie; BALTAG, Valeriu (Bons Offices, 2018)
    The definition of the transvectant of two polynomials is well known in the classical invariant theory. By using the transvectants for the system (1) the following GL(2, R)-invariants were constructed.
  • PLĂMĂDEALĂ, Maxim; GUSEV, Roman; MACRII, Danu (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Suicide is a global problem that is caused by a lot of factors, such as demographic, age, gender factores, and, therefore, is hard to reduce its rate quickly, it is a long way process. Being a social problem, it influences ...
  • BRANIŞTE, Rodica (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Le présent article décrit la situation écologique précaire des sources d'eau potable, les polluants les plus significatifs et la description des principales sources de pollution des eaux. L'objectif général au niveau local ...
  • FOMIN, Vladimir M. (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    3D superconductor (SC) nanoarchitectures, with unconventional vortex configurations, are promising for the future efficient and multifunctional technologies. A topological transition between the vortex and phase-slip regimes ...
  • ZAIKIN, Andrei D. (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    We investigate superconductor-insulator quantum phase transitions in ultrathin capacitively coupled superconducting nanowires with proliferating quantum phase slips. We derive a set of coupled Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless-like ...
  • GOLUBOV, A.A.; SUZUKI, S.-I.; ASANO, Y. (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    We theoretically study the current-phase relation in a Josephson junction comprising the Zeeman-split superconductors (ZSs) and a normal metal (N). We show that at low temperatures the Josephson current in the∈ ZS/N/ZS ...
  • PLEŞCO, Irina (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    This article aims to give a comparative overview on carbonic materials of various geometries and compositions, which are developed for applications in production of strain and pressure sensors. We discuss the preparation ...
  • CIUGUREANU, Iana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    Modelul actual de consum al produselor alimentare este considerat unul nesustenabil, prin prisma creşterii numărului de consumatori cu probleme de sănătate obţinute în urma unei alimentații incorecte (subnutriție, obezitate, ...
  • BUGA, Alexandra (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Nowadays, there are three the most prevalent modern alternative practices that are used in winemaking. Every practice is directly related to the solving of environmental problems and human health protection. Organic ...
  • SAVCA, Iana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    This article explores the idea of sustainability in interior design and the actuality of this term. Therefore, it analyses the various methods used by contemporary interior designers that creates spaces that are not only ...
  • MEREI, Muhammad (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    The study was conducted in an area with a history of flash flooding. The research methodology involved installing SuDS units in the selected area, and measuring the ponding time before and after the installation of SuDS. ...
  • ВЕКЛИЧ, Анастасия; КОРЯКИНА, Ангелина; ПАШКЕВИЧ, Калина (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    В работе представлены результаты исследования круговой модели производства одежды и новых подходов, которые помогают ей реализоваться, с целью разработки рекомендаций по улучшению производственных этапов, достижения ...
  • DANILA, Victoria; CURTEZA, Antonela (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    Hainele pentru bebeluși trebuie să fie rezistente, confortabile și sigure. Copii nounăscuți pe parcursul zilei pot avea uneori patru ținute pe zi, iar fiecare dintre ele va avea nevoie de spălare frecventă. În lucrare ...

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