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  • VACARU, Violeta (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Pe măsură ce preocupările legate de climă continuă să crească, oamenii depun eforturi pentru a trăi un stil de viață mai durabil, iar întreprinderile iau măsuri pentru a reduce impactul negativ pe care îl au asupra mediului. ...
  • SMUTYLO, Olha (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2022)
    The effectiveness of economic management, above all, depends on the completeness, reliability and validity of information about the financial and economic activities of taxpayers. Tax reporting is one of the main sources ...
  • CHIRIŢĂ, Rebecca Ana Maria; UNGUREANU, Cristina-Elena; SBÎRCEA, Ioana-Alexandra (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Quality is an important aspect in achieving the success of an organization and fulfilling established objectives. It is a complex process that has emerged through the completion of three essential stages in quality ...
  • UNGUREANU, Cristina - Elena; CHIRIŢĂ, Rebecca Ana Maria; SBÎRCEA, Ioana-Alexandra (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Since its early days, the field of management has undergone a series of significant evolution phases. Along with it, management theories and practices have evolved side by side and made their presence known in domains such ...
  • SANDULEAC, Ionel; ANDRONIC, Silvia (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    In this study, we conduct a comprehensive examination of the thermoelectric characteristics observed in crystals of TTT2I3, which exhibit p-type behavior, and TTT(TCNQ)2, functioning as an n-type conductor. These crystals ...
  • NIDELCU, Elena; MIHAILOVA, Tatiana; TIMCIUC, Ana-Maria (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Horror games can offer players a unique and immersive experience by tapping into their fears and creating an intense sense of tension and suspense. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages to playing these ...
  • GRAUR, Evelina; MUNTEANU, Radu (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    This paper presents the steps taken to ensure the ilummination of the city of Cluj: with oil in 1827, based on gas in 1890 and finally the electrification project that began after 1904. There are rendered the steps taken ...
  • COVACI, Adrian-Mihai; DEREVENCO, Serghei; DELINSCHI, Cristian; GOGOI, Elena (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    The payoff of a good time management habit is getting more out of your personal life and career. Achieving good time management skills can be done by setting your priorities straight, by spending less time on things that ...
  • POPUŞOI, Cristian (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Timpul şi spaţiul sunt noţiuni des întâlnite atât în filosofie, cât şi în ştiinţă. În perioade diferite, aceste noţiuni au fost înţelese destul de diferit. Deşi pare straniu, dar ştiinţa modernă privind timpul şi spaţiul ...
  • SADOVOI, Maria (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    One of the greatest developments that will resize the AI department and will give it a new air of utility is Tiny AI which is a focus for many in reducing, accelerating and scaling down of Artificial Intelligence. It ...
  • NASTAS, Viorica (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Inițierea în contextul acestei comunicări, urmează a fi raportată în totalitate la evoluţia proceselor istorico-culturale din Basarabia, în condiţiile social-politice şi culturale ale secolului XIX – începutul secolului ...
  • SUSANU, Sandu (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Acest articol are ca scop înțelegerea construcțiilor culturale și de agrement prin analiza diversității tipologice ale acestor zone. Articolul dat a depistat 3 tipuri de zone în dependență de funcția pe care o îndeplinesc: ...
  • MIJA, Nina; SUHODOL, Natalia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Servicii de agroturism pot fi oferite clienților în diverse tipuri de pensiuni. Apropierea turiștilor de activitățile rurale poate fi realizată prin împărtășirea experienței profesionale a unor specialiști, ca apicultori, ...
  • PASCARU, Silvia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    În această lucrarea vor fi aduse la cunoștință tipurile de armatură ce sunt utilizate la confecționarea betonului armat, avantajele construcțiilor din beton armat, unde este utilizat și domeniile de utilizare.
  • ARTES, Joan C.; LLIBRE, Jaume; SCHLOMIUK, Dana; VULPE, Nicolae (Bons Offices, 2018)
    In this paper we extract the local topological information around all singularities from the 1879 geometric equivalence classes. We prove that there are exactly 208 topologically distinct global topological configurations ...
  • NIKOLAEVA, Albina; KONOPKO, Leonid; GHERGISHAN, Igor; PARA, Gheorghe; SLOBODENIUC, Constantin (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    Using the new developed by us technology preparing single-crystal layers of topological insulator Bi2Te3 and Bi2Se3 , n and p-tip without substrate , we received layers with thickness 10-20 μm and with orientation the ...
  • GIURGESCU (MANEA), Mădălina (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    This article describes a mathematical model through which the level of EEG type waves are processed in order to characterize the level of anxiety. Our idea is to use the Choquet integral with respect to a monotone measure. ...
  • BEHTA, Emilia; COJOCARI, Daniela (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    The main goal of every wine producer is to create a high-quality and safe product, which means the absence of toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic or any other adverse effect on the human body. Taking into account the modern ...
  • TOMȘA, Cristina (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2022)
    The results presented refer to the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) and its contribution to Moldova's economic development. The research aims to analyze Moldova's trade flows with EU countries in the ...
  • DAVID, Rodica; CUMPĂNAȘU, Vasile (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    The Romanian blouse, also known as “ia”, is a traditional Romanian clothing that has become a symbol of Romanian cultural identity. The Romanian blouse is often seen as a symbol of cultural resistance to globalization. The ...

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