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  • FLOCEA, Ion (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    Scopul principal al evaluării riscului seismic este prognozarea pagubelor posibile pentru a se lua măsurile necesare, menite să reducă la minimum daunele de pe urma eventualelor cutremure puternice. Riscul este o categorie ...
  • CALMÎC, Doina (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Tendința mondială de utilizare a Internet-ului atestă, astăzi, o creștere continuă, imposibil de oprit. Serviciile Internet sunt supra solicitate de utilizatori, prin completitudinea pe care o oferă, dar și prin salvarea ...
  • DICOL, Cristian (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    În acest articol se spune despre atacurile cibernetice prin injectare SQL. Articolul explică modalitatea în care acest tip de atac este realizat și de ce sunt atacurile prin injectare SQL o amenințare majoră pentru ...
  • NOVAC, Felicia; VORNIC, Daniela (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is changing how we interact with businesses, governments, and each other, offering convenience and accessibility like never before. As conversational AI continues to evolve, it is ...
  • CERNELEV, Olga; SBAYEH, Yoseff Abu (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    Increased salt intake is the cause of countless long-term complications that have a major physical, mental, social and economic impact. This generates the appearance and development of a series of non-communicable diseases ...
  • TROHINA, Ana; BRÎNZA, Romina-Cătălina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Street food is a global phenomenon. Worldwide, street food has become an important part of everyday life, and the Republic of Moldova is no exception. The aim of the report was to study and analyze the products offered by ...
  • BOSTAN, Victor; PARFENE, Daniel; DURBAILO, Daniel; OSTAFI, Eugen (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    The debate on whether parents should limit their children's internet access continues. The internet can provide educational resources and entertainment for children, but it can also expose them to inappropriate content and ...
  • BUZDUGAN, Artur; BUZDUGAN, Aurelian (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
  • MACARIE, Florica (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Căsătoria este un moment extrem de important în viața omului, un fenomen specific în cadrul riturilor de trecere prin viață. Căsătoria îmbracă un aspect social prin faptul că ea constiuie acea etapă prin care se formeaza ...
  • UNGUREANU, Viorel (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    From translation of Sinaia plates and the writing of Ezerevo’s ring from Bulgaria was established that the supreme deity of thracian’s, gets and dacians was Ro or Ra in the same manner as in Egypte. About Zamolxis, the ...
  • NICHIFOROV, Maxim; ȚURCANU, Ion; BASSO, Nicolae; BRÂNZAEANU, Marinela; SOROCHIN, Nichita (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    This article describes a Domain Specific Language for helping to create a road marking plan. Subsequent, this paper has the purpose of explaining that by creating a domain-specific language (DSL) which is being focused on ...
  • BELII, Valentin (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    In this project I created a system which allows road quality to be controlled in automatic mode without spending human resources and expensive equipment. Project involves using SoC computer, Android smartphone and any ...
  • GUMENI, Maria (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    The scientific evidence on the magnitude, risk factors and effective interventions for the prevention of road traffic injury is reasonably well documented and readily available. As with other policy areas, such knowledge ...
  • DRAGOȘ, Gheorghe Valentin; DOBRA, Bianca Izabela (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    În această lucrare se prezintă un robot autonom cu optiune de evitare a obstacolelor. Robotul foloseste o placută de dezvoltare Arduino şi poate fi comandata cu ajutorul unei telecomenzi, de asemenea ea are capacitatea de ...
  • CHIRIAC, Mihail; BANTOȘ, Doina; BOGUȘESCU, Gheorghe; BEJAN, Elena; DIDIC, Victor (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    Agricultura este una dintre primele activități economice din istoria dezvoltării societății umane. În formațiunile sociale precapitaliste aceasta a fost ramura dominantă a economiei, iar în multe țări, agricultura rămâne ...
  • IVANCEVA, Elena (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    The development of the computer had a major impact on the methods used to design and create technical drawings, making hand drawing almost obsolete and opening up new form possibilities using organic shapes and complex ...
  • VLADEI, Natalia (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    Use of enzymes during maceration leads to increased efficiency due to increased content of compounds responsible for the profile and aromatic typicality of wines, which is reflected through a value increase of the wine quality
  • MANCOȘ, Lesi (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    The article reveals the importance of market research in business decision making and the way a clever use of marketing research can contribute to the success of an entrepreneur. Top decision makers use these tools ...
  • SURDU, Adelina; ZAHARIA, Mihaela (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Tryptophan is very useful for the human body, because it helps to secrete very important hormones and possesses multiple physiological functions in the metabolic transformations of nutrients. In this article we explain the ...
  • MAICAN, Vlada (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    The increased role of human activity is creating new and growing conservation problems and new diseases that affect the long-term survival of endangered free-range and captive species, as well as dangerous impacts on ...

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