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  • SIDORENKO, Anatolie S. (Beilstein Institute for the Advancement of Chemical Sciences, Germany, 2020)
    Nanotechnology and functional nanostructures, exciting trends of the 21st century, are topics that have penetrated and influenced nearly all areas of human activity: from microelectronics to biology, from aerospace to ...
  • CAPCANARI, Tatiana; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; SIMINIUC, Rodica (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2021)
    The research is devoted to create new functional products using bioactive compounds extracted from local plant materials. The technology of a pastry sauce based on Carob pods with no added sugar has been developed.
  • NETREBA, Natalia; BOESTEAN, Olga; GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2024)
    The article is devoted to the necessity of developing new approaches to the possibility of using biologically active substances in vegetable pates. The replacement of flavouring ingredients, colouring ingredients and ...
  • CAPCANARI, Tatiana; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; RADU, Oxana; COVALIOV, Eugenia; POPOVICI, Violina; SIMINIUC, Rodica (Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2022)
    This study provides the first insight into the biologically active potential (total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, tannins and antioxidant activity) of Moldavian сarob beans and pod pulp in comparison with carob grown in ...
  • POSTICA, Vasile; PAUPORTÉ, Thierry; TROFIM, Viorel; ABABII, Nicolai; LUPAN, Oleg (Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2019)
    Invenţia se referă la nanotehnologia semiconductorilor oxizi, în particular la electrodepunerea nanofirelor de ZnOfuncționalizate cu nanoparticule din paladiu (Pd) și oxizi micști de PdO/PdO2, într-un singură ...
    A single ZnO microwire detector for the monitoring of natural gas species is described. Single-crystal ZnO microwires were synthesized using a carbothermal reduction vapor phase transport method. It was characterized by ...
  • SEREACOV, Alexandr; MAGARIU, Nicolae; LUPAN, Oleg (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    The emergence of a hydrogen economy provides the impetus for the production of low-cost, simplemaintenance, easy-to-install, easy-to-use, and accurate hydrogen sensors suitable for use by untrained individuals in a variety ...
  • LUPAN, Oleg; POSTICA, Vasile; ADELUNG, Rainer; LABAT, Frédéric; CIOFINI, Ilaria; SCHÜRMANN, Ulrich; KIENLE, Lorenz; CHOW, Lee; VIANA, Bruno; PAUPORTÉ, Thierry (WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2018)
    A method for surface doping and functionalization of ZnO nanowires (NWs) with Pd (Pd/ZnO) in a one-step process is presented. The main advantage of this method is to combine the simultaneous growth, surface doping, and ...
  • DANILA, Victoria; CURTEZA, Antonela; BALAN, Stela (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2021)
    The elaboration presents a solution to the problem of clothing insurance functionally sustainable for children, women, and men. The proposed solution is in strategies to intensify efforts on environmental protection. Taking ...
  • DRAGNEVA, Tatiana (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    The topic of the given article is The Functions of Deictic Words in specialized Texts. As my translation practice was directly related with this topic, I decided to go deep into details of this complicated phenomena.. ...
  • SVETENCO, Valeria (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2022)
    Parlamentul îndeplinește una din cele mai importante funcţii ale statului – stabilirea cadrului legislativ. În afară de funcţia legislativă, Parlamentul, prin Constituţie (art. 66), este abilitat și cu alte împuterniciri: ...
  • MUNTEAN, Neli (Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei, 2011)
    In this article there are described the risks functions and the factors that influence on risk. There is not a certain opinion about risks factors; it is too difficult to establish a unique criterion of risks factors ...
  • LEÓN, M.; LEVCENKO, S.; SYRBU, N. N.; NATEPROV, A.; TEZLEVAN, V.; MERINO, J. M.; ARUSHANOV, E. (WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2006)
    Optical absorption spectra of CuIn5Se8 and CuGa3Se5 single crystals have been investigated. The energy gap E g for CuIn5Se8 (CuGa3Se5) was found to be varied from 1.27 (1.79) to 1.21 (1.71) eV in the temperature range ...
  • NEUMANN, H.; HÖRIG, W.; NOOKE, G.; SYRBU, N. N. (Elservier, 1988)
    Optical absorption spectra of PbGa2S4 are measured in the photon energy range from 2.0 to 3.2 eV and for temperatures between 32 and 300 K. PbGa2S4 is found to be an indirect-gap semiconductor with a gap energy of 2.84 eV ...
  • LOZOVANU, Ecaterina (Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“, 2013)
    The philosophical reflection of culture’s foundation is a prerequisite for the development of science. It is presented as a specific aspect of philosophical understanding of reality, in which new categorical structures ...
  • BOSTAN, Ina (Universitatea Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2017)
    Individul întotdeauna își duce existența în cadrul vieții sociale, iar viața socială cuprinde toate fenomenele care apar între oameni, în oricare moment al existenței lor. De aceea, activității umane îi sunt caracteristice ...
  • MATEI, Livia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    Procesul civil reprezintă o activitate amplă a participanților la proces și organelor competente, care se rezumă la ideea de a face justiție într-un stat de drept, de a realiza și restabili drepturile civile încălcate. ...
  • BERNIC, Maria; STAMATI, Mihail (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2020)
    Disassembled multifunctional furniture, created from modern ecological materials, intended for creative places in kindergartens, primary classes, apartments, etc.
  • ZUBCU, Mircea; PODBORSCHI, Valeriu (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2020)
    Bench and waste basket, designed in a minimalist style from recyclable materials, intended for public outdoor places, with minimal impact to the soil in the assembly area.
  • MURA, Mihaela (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    Proiectarea echipamentelor cu sisteme de protecție împotriva incediilor,care este cea mai importantă parte. Implimentarea este una din etapele complicate din cauza documentației care afectează zona de proiectare. Dar este ...

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