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  • MOSKALENKO, V. A.; ENTEL, P.; DOHOTARU, L. A.; DIGOR, D. F.; CITRO, R. (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 2008)
    A diagrammatic theory around atomic limit is proposed for the normal and superconducting states of the Anderson impurity model. The impurity electrons have strong Coulomb repulsion between them. This interaction is the ...
  • LE, Van Tuan; BOURAQADI, Noury; STINCKWICH, Serge; MORARU, Victor (Ecole des Mines de Douai, France, 2008)
    Maintaining the network connectivity during the mission of robots in Mobile Multi-Robot Systems (MRSs) is a key issue in many robotics applications. In our view, the solution to this problem consists of two main steps: (i) ...
  • LUNGU, Viorelia (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2011)
    Cursul de Etica profesională reprezintă o tentativă de a îmbunătăţi pregătirea specialiştilor, din punctul de vedere al eticii, precum şi de a ajutora studenţii în procesul de studiere, în conformitate cu experienţa acumulată ...
  • ZAPOROJAN, S.; PLOTNIC, C.; CALMICOV, I.; LARIN, V. (IGI Global, 2011)
    This chapter presents the main ideas and preliminary results of an applied research project concerning the development of an intelligent plant for microwire casting. The properties of glass-coated microwires are useful for ...
  • CORLAT, Sergiu; CORLAT, Andrei (Universitatea Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2012)
    În prezenta lucrare se încearcă abordarea „verticală” a algoritmilor clasici ai teoriei grafurilor: de la noţiuni teoretice, definiţii şi teoreme, către descrieri matematice a algoritmilor, urmate de implementări integrale ...
  • LUPU, Ilie; CABAC, Valeriu; GÎNCU, Silviu (Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol, 2013)
    Monografia conține principalele rezultate ale cercetării la tema: For Formarea și dezvoltarea competenței de programare orientate pe obiecte la viitorii profesori de informatică.
  • BOSTAN, Ion; GHEORGHE, Adrian V.; DULGHERU; SOBOR, Ion; BOSTAN, Viorel; SOCHIREAN, Anatolie (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2013)
    Renewable energy systems are playing an important role in the current discourse on energy security and sustainability. Scientific, engineering and economic solutions are adopted, and their is a constant effort to understand ...
  • COJOCARU, Victor P. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2014)
    This chapter reviews the literature on chaotic sensors and presents new results related to a titrimetry sensor for monitoring the conductivity of the water, with applications to environment pollution monitoring. A front-end ...
  • TURCAN, Romeo V.; BUGAIAN, Larisa; GULIEVA, Valeria (Cuvântul ABC, 2015)
    This report is part of the Work Package 3 of the EUniAM project. Its aim was to conduct a benchmark analysis of university institutional autonomy within and across EU partner countries, namely: Denmark, Lithuania, Romania, ...
  • BUGAIAN, Larisa; COTELNIC, Ala; NICULITA, Angela; POJAR, Daniela; TODOS, Petru (Cuvântul ABC, 2015)
    We propose legislative proposals for restructuring and modernization of Higher Education (HE) in Moldova. It is based on the analysis of the institutional university autonomy in Moldova; the benchmark analysis of institutional ...
  • CIORBA, Dumitru; COJUHARI, Irina; GOGOI, Elena; CALIN, Rostislav (Technical University of Moldova, 2016)
    The aim of the project is to improve the higher education system in the Republic of Moldova by aligning it to the European higher education framework, enhancing the mobility of teaching staff and students, making sure that ...
  • ZINICOVSCAIA, Inga; CEPOI, Liliana (Springer International Publishing, 2016)
    Examples of gold, silver, platinum nanoparticles synthesis by cyanobacteria strains Plectonema boryanum, Spirulina platensis, Oscillatoria willei, Lyngbya majuscule, Spirulina subsalsa, etc. at different conditions are ...
  • CUCIUREANU, Gheorghe; ŢURCAN, Nelly; UNGUREANU, Elena; ROŞCA, Alfreda; COJOCARU, Igor; HOLBAN, Ion; MINCIUNĂ, Vitalie; CUJBA, Rodica; GUZUN, Mihail; COJOCARU, Irina; COŞULEANU, Ion; GRECU, Mihai; CERNĂUŢEANU, Victor; BOTNARU, Viorica; RUSU, Andrei (Institutul de Dezvoltare a Socieții Informaţionale, 2018)
    Scopul studiului este de a stabili tipurile rezultatelor ştiinţifice care pot fi obţinute în urma executării proiectelor / programelor de cercetare-dezvoltare. Sarcinile urmărite au inclus: studierea experienţei internaţionale ...
  • CUCIUREANU, Gheorghe; COJOCARU, Igor; COJOCARU, Irina; ȚURCAN, Nelly; GRECU, Mihai; ROȘCA, Alfreda; RUSU, Andrei; CUJBA, Rodica; COȘULEANU, Ion; UNGUREANU, Elena; MINCIUNĂ, Vitalie (Institutul de Dezvoltare a Societăţii Informaţionale, 2018)
    În prezent asistăm la o schimbare importantă a ceea ce numim știință, din punctul de vedere al organizării, efectuării, evaluării, utilizării și diseminării rezultatelor cercetării. Această schimbare, reflectată de termenul ...
  • BUZU, Olga (Routledge, 2018)
    The Republic of Moldova is one of the young sovereign states that appeared on the map of Europe after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The law on expropriations for socially useful purposes was enacted in Moldova ...
  • GOROBIEVSCHI, Svetlana; NĂDRAG, Lavinia (IGI Global, 2018)
    Throughout the knowledge-based human society development, the human factor in organizational management has become a competitive factor due to its professional competence and social skills. The authors of this research ...
  • BURLACU, Natalia (IGI Global, 2019)
    This chapter, analyzing existing theories and eco-systems of learning and communication, capitalizes its components. Taking into account the digital reality that surrounds us and ultimately determines school, academic, ...
  • DEACONU, Sorin Ioan; HORGA, Vasile; TOPOR, Marcel; MARIGNETTI, Fabrizio; TUTELEA, Lucian Nicolae; NUCA, Ilie (IntechOpen, 2019)
    The aim of this chapter is to present a new type of powertrain with dimensions and low weight, for vehicles with reduced carbon emissions, which have an axial synchronous machine with one stator and two rotor, with static ...
  • BOROSAN, Constantin (Fundația Soros - Moldova, 2019)
    Scopul acestui studiu constă în influențarea pozitivă a deciziilor participanților la piața energiei electrice din Republica Moldova, prin informarea obiectivă și multilaterală despre consecințele achiziției energiei ...
  • CEPOI, Liliana (Academic Press, 2019)
    This present chapter emphasizes the data on environmental and technological stresses in cyanobacteria (namely Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina) and Nostoc linckia). The factors investigated were: light, temperature, salinity, ...

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