UTM: Recent submissions

  • KUTNYI, B.A.; KROT, O.P.; CHERNETSKA, I.V. (Institutul de Energetica, 2024)
    Іndustrial synthesis of gas hydrates is a promising area for storage, transportation and utilisation of natural gas. The aim of this work is to evaluate the factors that affect the efficiency of gas hydrate synthesis, in ...
  • KOSKOV, M.A.; SOMOV, S.A.; KRYLASOVA, O.S.; IVANOV, A.S. (Institutul de Energetica, 2024)
    The aim of the work is to develop the uniaxial ferrofluid sensor suitable for use either as an accelerometer for low-frequency vibrations or as a ballistic device or seismic sensor for shock loads. The goal is achieved by ...
  • SUVOROV, D.M.; TATARINOVA, N.V. (Institutul de Energetica, 2024)
    The aim of the study is to develop a methodological approach to assessing the incremental efficiency of electricity generation at CHPPs (specific heat consumption for changing electric power of turbine) in operating modes, ...
  • BOIKO, E.A.; SEMENOV, I.I.; LEBEDEV, K.V.; KULICHKIN, A.P. (Institutul de Energetica, 2024)
    Increasing the efficiency of using fossil fuels at thermal power plants is an urgent task. This problem arises most acutely during the operation of pulverized coal power boilers using flare fuel combustion technologies. ...
  • PANTELEEV, V.I.; MALEEV, A.V.; PETUKHOV, R.A.; SIZGANOVA, E.Yu. (Institutul de Energetica, 2024)
    The work focuses on wireless power transfer for electric vehicle charging stations. The aim of the study is to analyse the processes in the system of wireless magnetic resonance transmission of electrical energy using ...
  • TYMOCHKO, O.; TYMOSHCHUK, О.; TIMOCHKO, O.; BOIKO, S.; MAZHARA, I.; HANNOSHINA, I.; SHAPRAN, Yu. (Institutul de Energetica, 2024)
    The object of this study is the process of generating an appropriate response by an intelligent agent when detecting and tracking an underwater electrical cable using a decision support system. The goal of the work is to ...
  • CHERNOUSENKO, O.Yu.; MARYSIUK, B.A. (Institutul de Energetica, 2024)
    The article aims to contribute to the ongoing study of damage to steam turbine rotors resulting from asynchronous connection of electric generators to the unified power system. At the present time, the assessment of the ...
  • ISCHIMJI, Nicolae; MITU, Stan; MĂRCUŞ, Liviu ("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2014)
    This paper presents new principle of design and validates inner shape footwear designed specifically for people with diabetes. The shoe inner dimension provides the relevant inner dimensions for a particular shoe such as ...
  • TUTUNARU, Irina; BALAN, Stela; IROVAN, Marcela; NAUMENCO, Tatiana ("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2014)
    The particularities of children’s silhouettes are determined, first of all, by differences in the proportions of main elements. It is known that namely the proportions of silhouette represent the biggest age-related ...
  • TUTUNARU, Irina; BALAN, Stela; IROVAN, Marcela; NAUMENCO, Tatiana ("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2014)
    Designing products for children, compliant with the modern requirements of education process must comply with the modern anthropometric standardization, psychophysiological development of children and improved design ...
  • IROVAN, Marcela; TUTUNARU, Irina; BALAN, Stela; CHIRILOVA, Nadejda ("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2014)
    This work considers the problem of elaborating assortments of products in the context of rational consumption. The methodology of collecting a wardrobe and assortments of garments is based on the principles of satisfying ...
  • IROVAN, Marcela; TUTUNARU, Irina; BALAN, Stela; BURLACU, Olga ("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2014)
    The work considers the problem of developing the assortment of products for men by applying the principles of modular design. Theoretical studies were aimed at determining the methodology of modular design and principles ...
  • BALAN, Stela; TUTUNARU, Irina; IROVAN, Marcela; ANDRIEȘ, Doiniţa ("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2014)
    The study was centered on the traditional Moldavian suit for women and the possibility of using its specific elements for the elaboration of new models of garments. In this context, the method of morphological analysis was ...
  • SIT, M.L.; JURAVLEOV, A.A.; FRID, S.E.; TIMCHENKO, D.V.; DENYSOVA, A.E.; UZUN, M. (Institutul de Energetica, 2024)
    The control system of a bivalent heat pump (BHP), using as low potential heat (LPH) sources both the heat of the return water of the network and the heat of the outside air, is considered. The aim of the work is to determine ...
  • BALAN, Stela; TUTUNARU, Irina; IROVAN, Marcela; ANDRIEȘ, Doiniţa ("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2014)
    Presently the traditional clothing attracts the attention of various specialists: historians, ethnographers, painters, designers etc. The complexity of studying this important element of spiritual culture consists in the ...
  • ZABLODSKIY, M.; KLENDIY, P.; DUDAR, O.; SHVOROV, S. (Institutul de Energetica, 2024)
    The purpose of the work is to build the rational system for regulating technological parameters of the single-screw extruder using the frequency-regulated electric drive with limited use of sensors. This goal is achieved ...
  • KHALYASMAA, A.I.; MATRENIN, P.V.; EROSHENKO, S.A. (Institutul de Energetica, 2024)
    The functioning of deeply integrated technological systems in the power industry depends on the quality of power supply systems. Reliable power supply requires minimizing emergencies at power plants and substations. Reducing ...
  • HALCHENKO, V. Ya.; TREMBOVETSKA, R.V.; TYCHKOV, V.V. (Institutul de Energetica, 2024)
    The article’s aim is to create a method of reducing the influence on the surface eddy current probes output signal of a number of interfering parameters without their elimination, to ensure its stability, which is achieved ...
  • MYTROFANOV, O.; PROSKURIN, A.; KONG, W. (Institutul de Energetica, 2024)
    The article examines the features of the combustion process of hydrogen-containing gas (syngas) in the working cylinder of a spark-ignition internal combustion engine. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the ...
  • NISTIRIUC, Pavel; CHIHAI, Andrei; GRIȚCO, Roman (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    Notele de curs Sisteme și trafic de comunicații, partea I, sunt destinate studenților FET, UTM, ciclul I, licență, programele de studii Inginerie și management în comunicații electronice, Tehnologii și software în rețele ...

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