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Influenţa unor indici fizici ai solului asupra activităţii celulolitice sub agrocenoza grâului de toamnă

Show simple item record MELNIC, Rodica COJOCARU, Olesea POPA, Oxana 2025-02-11T12:43:12Z 2025-02-11T12:43:12Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation MELNIC, Rodica, COJOCARU, Olesea, POPA, Oxana. Influenţa unor indici fizici ai solului asupra activităţii celulolitice sub agrocenoza grâului de toamnă. In: Solul şi îngrăşămintele în agricultura contemporană: conf. șt. intern. 6-7 sept. 2017, Chișinău. 2017, pp. 279-285. ISBN 978-9975-71-927-8. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-71-927-8
dc.description.abstract In this paper researches were conducted under agrocenoses autumn wheat in crop rotation (after beans) on sandy loam carbonate chernozem of SDE Chetrosu. Purpose and research tasks are to establish changes in cellulolytic activity in rows and between rows of plants of autumn wheat, applying different technologies depending tillage on soil moisture and penetration resistance. Cellulolytic activity was determined by the Mişustin E. method, based on the principle of the method using the decomposition of cellulose under aerobic conditions blades in the 0-30 cm layer of the soil depending on the soil moisture, the method effected by oven drying of soil samples, in 0-120 cm layer and penetration resistance carried out in the field penetrometer of the 0-50 cm layer. The research was conducted parallel research on both types of technologies tillage - No-till and plowing. In agrocezona autumn wheat from 50-120 cm layer of soil moisture percentage in depth kept the variant No-till compared with plowing variant, while penetration resistance is greater variant No-till ranging from 20 to 23 kgf/cm2 compared with penetration resistance ranging between 9-20 kgf /cm2 version of agrocenoses plowing autumn wheat (earing phase) in crop rotation. Resistance to penetrate both variants research increases with depth. Referring to research data made mention that cellulolytic activity is higher in 0-10 cm layer where decomposition blade compared to the initial mass is 55.67%, the middle classes as values on chernozioms cellulolytic activity (Mişustin E. method), the research variant - plowing compared with the variant No-till research, which is 30.14% - lower cellulolytic activity. Cellulolytic activity carried evaluating comparative data rows between the rows of plants and plant autumn wheat is observed that the percentage of rows cellulolytic activity is higher because the bacteria live in the vicinity of the roots. According to the researches, the celluloid activity for the plowing variant varies within 48-56%, and the No-till variant varies within 27-33%. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject grâu de toamnă en_US
dc.subject asolament en_US
dc.subject cernoziom carbonatic en_US
dc.subject lucrări ale solului en_US
dc.subject arat en_US
dc.subject zero lucrări ale solului en_US
dc.subject conţinut de apă în sol en_US
dc.subject microorganisme celulolitice en_US
dc.subject autumn wheat en_US
dc.subject Triticum aestivum en_US
dc.subject crop rotation en_US
dc.subject chernozems en_US
dc.subject ploughing en_US
dc.subject zero tillage en_US
dc.subject soil water content en_US
dc.subject cellulolytic activity en_US
dc.title Influenţa unor indici fizici ai solului asupra activităţii celulolitice sub agrocenoza grâului de toamnă en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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