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Study of physiological reactions particularies of leaf apparatus of maize hybrids and its parental forms in drought conditions

Show simple item record MIHALACHI, Andrei ROTARI, Alexandru PALII, Andrei COMAROVA, Galina 2025-01-28T12:14:03Z 2025-01-28T12:14:03Z 2011
dc.identifier.citation MIHALACHI, A., ROTARI, А., PALII, А., COMAROVA, Galina. Study of physiological reactions particularies of leaf apparatus of maize hybrids and its parental forms in drought conditions. In: Scientific Papers, UASVM Bucharest, Series A . Agronomy, 2011, vol. 54. pp. 320-325. ISSN 1222-5339. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1222-5339
dc.description.abstract The paper presents the results of the studies, that allows to compare specificity of manifestation of water regime parameters of leaf at 15 registered hybrids and 30 parental lines of maize, which has been grown in field conditions with contrast temperature regime (drought/norm). For the first time, in a physiological aspect, the level of heterosis manifestation has been studied according to three parameters of water regime of maize leaf. Experimentally, has been proof, that undergoing of physiological diagnosis of water regime of maize leaf apparatus (water-holding capacity, electrical resistance of leaf tissues and coefficient of leaf thickness stability), in conjunction with interpretation of heterosis effect manifestation according to mentioned above parameters is sufficiently sensitive methodology to identify not only contrast forms, but also drought tolerant hybrid forms of maize. On a comprehensive assessment of all three studied parameters of water regime of leaf, registered hybrid of maize Porumbeni 359 AMRf and its parental form Flavia M are recommended as the genotypes with high tolerance to drought. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject Zea mays en_US
dc.subject maize en_US
dc.subject drought stress en_US
dc.subject leaves en_US
dc.subject water regime en_US
dc.subject toleranță la secetă en_US
dc.subject porumb en_US
dc.subject stres cauzat de secetă en_US
dc.subject frunze en_US
dc.subject regim hidric en_US
dc.subject toleranță la secetă en_US
dc.title Study of physiological reactions particularies of leaf apparatus of maize hybrids and its parental forms in drought conditions en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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