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Calitatea boabelor la hibridul tetraploid de porumb Chişiniovschi 401L

Show simple item record BATÎRU, Grigore ROTARI, Eugen 2025-01-15T07:25:30Z 2025-01-15T07:25:30Z 2014
dc.identifier.citation BATÎRU, Grigorii, ROTARI, Eugen. Calitatea boabelor la hibridul tetraploid de porumb Chişiniovschi 401L. In: Institutul de fitotehnie „Porumbeni” la 40 ani de activitate ştiinţifică: conf. șt. intern., 17 sept. 2014. Paşcani, 2014, pp. 184-188. ISBN 978- 9975-56-177-8. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 978- 9975-56-177-8
dc.description.abstract This paper aims to present the results of biochemical analysis of diploid and tetraploid maize grains that contain the Opaque-2 (o2) gene. As a result of the study it was revealed that tetraploid grains show higher protein content and a decrease in starch and fat. Lysine content was almost similar in the two types of grains. As hexaploid endosperm cells of the tetraploid grains are bigger in volume than triploid endosperm cells of the diploid grains, it was concluded that lysine content per cell is double in tetraploid grains. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri *
dc.subject diploidie en_US
dc.subject lizină en_US
dc.subject proteine en_US
dc.subject porumb en_US
dc.subject diploidy en_US
dc.subject tetraploidy en_US
dc.subject Zea mays en_US
dc.subject hybrids
dc.title Calitatea boabelor la hibridul tetraploid de porumb Chişiniovschi 401L en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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