Browsing Conferinţe by Subject "winemaking"

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  • MOGÎLDEA, Olga; COCIORVA, Svetlana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    The Republic of Moldova is one of the oldest wine-growing regions in Europe, with a winegrowing tradition of over 2000 years. According to the National Bank of Moldova, the Republic of Moldova has a vineyard area of about ...
  • MOGÎLDEA, Olga (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Factorii ecologici sunt factori care influențează dezvoltarea și creșterea plantelor, animalelor și a altor organisme dintr-un anumit ecosistem. Acești factori sunt împărțiți în două categorii principale: factori abiotici, ...
  • NICOLAESCU, Gh.; GODOROJA, Mariana; DRAGHIA, Lucia; COLIBABA, Cintia; COCIORVA, Svetlana; VOINESCO, Cornelia; NICOLAESCU, Ana Maria; PROCOPENCO, Valeria; MOGÎLDEA, Olga; DOSCA, I.; MAȚCU, Gh.; KIMAKOVSKI, A.; NICOLAESCU, A.; COTOROS, Inga (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    The development of the wine sector in the Republic of Moldova depends on a series of risk factors, and the approach and management of these factors are essential for the success of this sector.
  • VOINESCO, Cornelia; MOGÎLDEA, Olga (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    The role of the vine grape variety is essential in the development of the wine sector, because it determines the quality and characteristics of grapes and wine. Choosing the right variety for a specific wine region can ...
  • GODOROJA, Mariana; NICOLAESCU, Gh.; COCIORVA, Svetlana; VOINESCO, Cornelia; PROCOPENCO, Valeria; MOGÎLDEA, Olga; DOSCA, I.; KIMAKOVSKI, A.; MAȚCU, Gh. (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    The multiannual study of weather conditions with reference to grapevine culture is extremely important in the context of current climate change. Vine culture is sensitive to climate change, which can affect the quality and ...

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