Browsing 2021 by Issue Date

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  • APOSTOL, Ciprian (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    The new economy, as defined in the current period of socio-economic development, has as its main feature globalization. Thus, during this period, as a result of the appearance and spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, in addition ...
  • DANECI-PATRAU, Daniel; JENARU, Andreea (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    The importance and actuality of the theme are yielded by the increase in the complexity of actions undergone by the economic agents in the context of the development and diversification information instruments aimed at ...
  • POPA, Viorica; POPA, Nicolae (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    In the transition to a circular economy, monitoring key trends and patterns is essential to understand how the various elements of the circular economy develop over time, identify Member States' success factors and to ...
  • KONONENKO, Zhanna; KUZMENKO, Oleksandra; PYLYPENKO, Kateryna (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    The problematic aspects of the financial and credit mechanism of business activity are considered. Some factors of formation of financial interrelations at the micro level and their interaction at the macro level are ...
  • FALODE, Adewunmi (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    Intelligence has come to play a pivotal role in the affairs of states and non-state actors in the 21st century. It not only determines the outcome of conflict when it breaks out but also provides critical edge and foresight ...
  • DEWI, Rosmala; DALIMUNTHE, Raudah Zaimah; ASIAH; MATONDANG, Ishaq; SIANIPAR, Evans Libra; DALIMUNTHE, Muhammad Bukhori (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    The research problem is the lack of teaching materials as a coping strategy to manage student stress. This study aims to develop effective teaching materials as a coping strategy to manage stress using the Eduda (Education ...
  • BIANCO, Lino; ANDONOVA, Irina; BUHAGIAR, Anton (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is bilingual education whereby students do not only study a second language, in addition to their native tongue, but learn a school subject in that foreign language. This ...
  • ANDRONIC, Serghei; BERNAZ, Luminiţa; TUTUNARU, Irina; BALAN, Stela; MUNTEANU, Diana (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele studiului realizat în baza chestionării studenţilor în cadrul sondajului “Evaluarea calităţii studiilor la distanţă”. Acesta a fost desfăşurat în scopul stabilirii impactului formei de instruire ...
  • TODOS, Petru; VIRLAN, Petru; TERTEA, Ghenadie (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    This paper proposes a solution for carrying out laboratory work in the strict conditions of the Covid - 19 pandemic. The traditional laboratory can be replaced by the virtual laboratory or the remote laboratory, depending ...
  • GOROBIEVSCHI, Svetlana; COSTRU, Tudor; PUIA, Raisa; UNGUREANU, Alina (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    The phenomenon of the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the whole globe, the consequences of which are long lasting and difficult to estimate. The Republic of Moldova, being a developing country, could not overcome these ...
  • MUNTEAN, Neli; MUNTEAN, Iulian; VALUŢA, Gabriela (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    The issue of the bankruptcy notion definition has a major importance in the context of the management practice and theory, internal planning and control of the company. The objectives of the article are to analyse the ...
  • LĂZĂRESCU, Adriana (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    The purpose of present research is to emphasize the way in which literature contributes to the needs of new students in their social interaction. The key factors that we focused on span the entire scope of studying a foreign ...
  • CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; CAPCANARI, Tatiana; BOISTEAN, Alina; KHANCHEL, Imen (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    This review aims to share the history of bees and the use of honey as the only natural sweetener available to mankind for more than 40,000 years. At the same time, the characteristic of the beekeeping sector is presented, ...
  • MUNTEANU, Angela (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    The concept of ecodesign appeared in the late XX century, as a trend to return to the organic origins of architecture and design. The ecological house is a modern and economical housing solution that combines recycled, ...
  • MORARI, Natalia (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    În prezenta lucrare se analizează conceptul de creativitate ca parte componentă a activității de cercetare, ambele având caracter universal, aplicabile în toate sferele activității umane. Procesul creativ se realizează în ...
  • ŞENDRESCU, Ramona (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    This paper is part of the PhD Thesis: Essays of Lucian Blaga and we want to show how the Romanian philosopher, one of the founders of the literary magazine „Gândirea”, the most published and admired author of this ...
  • VLAD, Mariana; VLAD, Sorin (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    Machine learning (ML) is a subset of artificial Intelligence (AI) aiming to develop systems that can learn and continuously improve the abilities through generalization in an autonomous manner. ML is presently all around ...
  • LADIPO, Patrick; DIXON-OGBECHI, Bolajoko; ENYINNAYA, Nnenna; AKEKE, Olushola (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    This study was put together to examine the influence of TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) extension model on customer adoption of e-banking practice in Lagos state. Furthermore, to capture the extended model four (4) ...
  • MARIAN, Maria-Liliana (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    Articolul reprezintă o cercetare a locuințelor tradiționale din Republica Moldova specifice perioadei sec. XVIII - XX. Lосuința, mereu соndiționată de viață, constituie un рrоgram major care, în arhitесtura vernaculară din ...
  • BULGARU, Viorica; POPESCU, Liliana; SIMINIUC, Rodica (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    The paper is a review of the importance of expanding the lactose-free dairy segment to give consumers the opportunity to consume milk and dairy products if they suffer from lactose intolerance. When there is a lactase ...

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