Browsing by Subject "e-government"

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  • COSTAŞ, Ilie; BOLUN, Ion; RAGER, John (Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, 2008)
    Moldova has received very different rankings in different comparative studies on e-government development. This paper attempts to analyze the real state of e-government in the Republic of Moldova. We discuss the current ...
  • ŢURCANU, Dinu; POPOVICI, Serghei; ŢURCANU, Tatiana (Technical University of Moldova, 2020)
    Digital signature solutions are rapidly replacing classic signatures and have the potential to dominate signature-related processes. The concept of a digital signature is based on the transition from paper to electronic ...
  • ZGUREANU, Alexandru (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Teza de master are scopul: Crearea sistemului informațional pentru gestionarea finanțărilor cu integrarea serviciilor guvernamentale electronice, Acesta poate fi atins prin următoarele obiective generale: studiul și analiza ...

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