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  • BUEZO, Javier; MEDINA, Nagore; HEREŞ, Ana-Maria; PETRITAN, Ion Cătălin; PETRITAN, Any Mary; ESTEBAN, Raquel; CURIEL YUSTE, Jorge (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    Old-growth forests (OGF) are considered paramount for the local biodiversity and are defined by their high quantities of dead wood. Acting like a nutrient reservoir and home for a multitude of different organisms, dead ...
  • GARNITA, Ionut Alexandru; CORBU, Gheorghe Marius; TOMA, Florin Daniel; TRUSCA, Daniel Dragos (IOP Publishing, 2022)
    The paper aims to debate on experimental retrieved accelerations from real crash tests, based on different scenarios, to enable assessment on driver potential injury. Scenarios included the presence of passive safety systems ...
  • MOSKALENKO, V. A.; DOHOTARU, L. A.; DIGOR, D. F.; CEBOTARI, I. D. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2014)
    We investigate the Anderson-Holstein model with strong repulsion of impurity electrons using a strongcoupling approximation. The strong electron-phonon interaction determines the formation of polarons with heavy clouds of ...
  • MITINA, Irina; TUMANOVA, Lidia; MITIN, Valentin; GRAJDIERU, Cristina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    An alternative method for detection of mycotoxins themselves would be detecting the fungi, capable of producing mycotoxins, in food samples. In this work, we show the results of the real-time PCR analysis of four corn ...
  • SANDUTA, A.; RUSU, S. S.; TRONCIU, V. Z. (Technical University of Moldova, 2015)
    We report the results of numerical investigations of the dynamical behavior of an integrated device composed of a semiconductor laser with quantum dots active medium and a double cavity that provides optical feedback. Due ...
  • SANDUŢA, Ana; RUSU, Spiridon; TRONCIU, Vasile (Technical University of Moldova, 2015)
    We report the results of numerical investigations of the dynamical behavior of an integrated device composed of a semiconductor laser with quantum dots active medium and a double cavity that provides optical feedback. Due ...
  • SANDUŢA, Ana; RUSU, Spiridon; TRONCIU, Vasile (Tehnica UTM, 2015)
    This paper reports the numerical results on the investigation of the dynamical behavior of a semiconductor laser with quantum dots active medium and a feedback from double cavity. Due to the influence of the external ...
  • DICUSAR, Galina; NETREBA, Natalia; BOESTEAN, Olga (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    Based on scientific metrics (the number of published works, their citations, the Hfactor, the Scopus database), it was conducted the analysis of the development of food science research in Eastern Europe (EU, Poland, ...
  • TRONCIU, Vasile Z.; WÜNSCHE, Hans-J.; SIEBER, Jan; SCHNEIDER, Klaus; HENNEBERGER, Fritz (Elsevier, 2000)
    We discuss the impact of a passive dispersive reflector (PDR) on the dynamical behaviour of a single mode diode laser. It is shown that the PDR enters the single mode equations via two specific functions of the carrier ...
  • ABOFLAN, Yawo E.; KPOTCHOU, Koffi; PETRIȘOR, Alexandru-Ionuț (University of Bucharest, 2024)
    The issue of ecosystems is attracting renewed interest from researchers. Recent studies have defined ecosystems in terms of their field of intervention and common objectives. This research aims to highlight that, in the ...
  • COVACI, Ecaterina (Technical University of Moldova &Iaşi University of Life Sciences "Ion Ionescu de la Brad", 2022)
    The recovery of functional phenolic compounds from red grape marc can be achieved, obtaining products that can be reinserted into the economy as a new raw material. The re-utilization of these compounds not only represents ...
  • SUBOTIN, Iurie; DRUTA, Raisa; COVACI, Ecaterina; GHERDELESCU, Lucia (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Oxidation processes are slow phenomena that take place throughout the wine's life, from the beginning of winemaking to aging in bottles. Several parameters play an important role in aging of the wine, such as the temperature ...
  • MOSCALENCO, V. A.; DOHOTARU, L. A.; DIGOR, D. F.; CEBOTARI, I. D. (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2014)
    We have formulated the system of Dyson-type equations which determines the relation between the full propagators of impurity electrons and their correlation functions. We have also found the system of Dyson equations for ...
  • COCIUG, Adrian; ZOTA, Eremia; CAPROS, Nicolae; MACAGONOVA, Olga; NACU, Viorel; MARIN, Ion (Tehnica UTM, 2013)
    Atherosclerosis is one of the etiological factors to initiate degeneration disc studied in detail by histological investigations stained with haematoxylin-eosin and immunohistochemical examination with antibodies CD34, in ...
  • VEREJAN, Ana; BAERLE, Alexei; TATAROV, Pavel; MITINA, Tatiana (Tehnica–Info, 2018)
    Work deals with analysis of humidity values of the walnuts during storage and rehydration. Rehydration process contribute to delete oxidized polyphenols, and to diminished astringent taste, so directly rises walnuts safety ...
  • COVACI, Ecaterina; STURZA, Rodica; DRUȚĂ, Raisa; SUBOTIN, Iurie (Institute of Chemistry, Chisinau, AŞM, 2022)
    The aim of this project is to carry out a detailed study of sulfur dioxide (SO2), copper (Cu2+) and iron (Fe3+) ions distribution and concentrations in wine and their effect on the wine‘s quality and characteristics ...
  • IACUB, Mihai (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2020)
    Scopul lucrării Dеsign-Concеpt “Aparat pentru comеrcializarеa accеsoriilor sanitarе anti- COVID 19” rеprеzintă posibilitatea proiectării unui aparat funcțional, cu formе minimalistе сompactе, finisajе еlеgantе și printat ...
  • BURDUJА, Соrinа (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    În prezent Republica Moldova folosește apă, vânt, energie solară, biomasă pentru a produce aproximativ 3% din producția sa de enegie electrică și această tendință este în continuare creștere pentru a atinge țintele și ...
  • MÎRZA, Ionela (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Lucrаreа își prоpune cа scоp cercetаreа multilаterаlă și cоmplexă а instituției dоbândirii și pierderii dreptului de prоprietаte, аtât lа nivel nаțiоnаl, cât și internаțiоnаl. Prin determinаreа definițiilоr, cаtegоriilоr ...
  • GUŢU, Mihai; VARZARI, Gheorghe (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    În această lucrare vom aborda tema destinului vitreg al Moldovei, vom încerca să analizăm provenienţa necazurilor, tragediilor, nenorocirilor care s-au abătut asupra multpătimitului popor. Unde s-a greşit şi ce trebuie să ...

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